Rebirth[ ree-burth, ree-burth ]
1. a new
or second birth: the rebirth of the soul.
2. a renewed existence, activity,
or growth; renaissance or revival: the rebirth of conservatism.
14, 2013, is my rebirth date. I have a renewed existence and a renewed outlook
on my life. Although I continue to fight demons in my head and work on putting
the past behind me so I can discover a sense of peace, on October 14, 2013,
Mellie was born again.
Three Weeks Ago
September 24th
started out like most mornings. I was up with the family and getting everyone's
food ready for the day. I am not much of a morning person; I don't drink coffee,
and I don't have the luxury of taking time to myself to wake up slowly. As soon
as my hubby pats me on the leg and leans in to kiss me good morning, my feet are
on the ground and I am going full speed.
However, this morning my mind was focused on my Princess
Tini (dog). She had been up several times the night before vomiting. I was
anxious to get the kids and hubby off for their days, so I could take her to the
vet first thing. When I finally made it to the vet at 9:00am, it was really the
first time I said more than a few words to anyone. As I began to speak I found
it hard to articulate my words. I was standing in the reception area of the vet
struggling to speak. When the words finally did come out, they were slurred and
my mouth was full of excessive saliva. Normally I am a fast talker but today
when I tried to talk my normal speed, the words both formed at a much slower
pace and then they were delivered with a slur. After a few moments the vet
asked me if I was alright, he smiled and said, "You sound drunk.” I laughed and
assured him I was fine just really tired from the night before.
As I got
into my car and was able to stop for a moment I tried to speak out loud to
myself, and this time I was extremely focused on the words I wanted to say.
Again, though, the words came slow and slurred. I realized at that moment too my
tongue felt swollen, it was difficult for me to swallow, and the left side of my
lips felt numb. The more I tried the harder I realized it was for me to talk like I normally talk. I wondered what had occurred to make this happen to me and could feel myself getting anxious about it. I worried about driving myself home and was wondering was this the start of a stroke or a heart attack, was I going to pass out while trying to drive home? I tried to keep myself from freaking out and reminded myself that when I was a little girl about 8 or 9 I woke up and 1/2 my face was numb. Back then my doctor told me I had a cold in my face and it took about two weeks for it to go away. I chalked it up to another cold in my face and forced myself to put the car in gear. As I
drove home, I knew I needed to call my doctor right away.
I called and
was able to get a same day appointment. My next call was to my husband at work.
I did not want to worry him, or myself so I really tried to speak slow and
articulate the words I wanted to say to him so he could not only understand me
but assure me that nothing was wrong. My hubby asked me some questions while he
listened to my speech. He wanted to know what areas of my body felt numb, if I
had any pain—and when I noticed my difficult speaking. He didn't seem to
concerned but told me he would come pick me up and take me to the
I found out later my husband made several calls to Kaiser
when he hung with me, attempting to get an immediate appointment. As it turns
out, Kaiser had called me repeatedly that day to see me right away but as I did
not recognize the number, I did not answer the phone. (I know, hard to think I don't answer my phone)
Later that day my hubby showed up and off to the
doctor we went. By this time my anxiety had increased significantly. It was too
difficult for me to speak, so I was unable to do my job. I was anxious about
what was going on and as the day moved on, it became harder and harder for me to
swallow. My doctor immediately tested my reflexes and motor skills. He was able
to rule out a stroke—this was good, he assured me, but what came to follow
rocked me to my toes.
Dr. Sahota said to me, "I am going to order an MRI
for you and start you on steroid therapy via IV for three days. We are going to
treat you as if you have MS and then see what the MRI shows us."
MS? As in multiple sclerosis?
In July 2007, I had heard those same two words being
spoken to me after the birth of our youngest son Reuben. After the delivery of
Reuben, I had swelling of the brain. I was in bad shape and as part of the
treatment to determine the extent of any damage, and emergency MRI was ordered
at 1:30 in the morning. While I later recovered fully, the MRI showed there were
lesions in my brain. It was impossible to determine how old they were, but they
were not active at the time of the MRI.
Lesions on your brain can be caused by MS or from
damage from migraines. Because I had no symptoms of MS but had suffered from
migraines since I was 12, I was told in 2007 it could be just from those. I was
told to keep an eye on myself, and we will see if I developed any MS Symptoms.
Honestly I never thought about it again after that day.
Now, here I was
hearing it again and I was going to be treated as if I had it? I could not
comprehend what he was saying to me. I looked at my hubby as the doctor was
speaking to me to see his reaction. He didn't seemed too moved by the subject
matter (if you know my husband, he often times will intentionally not show
emotion on his face), but I know what I wanted him to do was stand up and shout,
"Mellie does not have MS." Instead, he reminded the doctor that I had a MRI in
the past to serve as a baseline for comparison purposes. As the doctor excused
himself from the room to go look up the MRI, my hubby looked at me and did what
he does best—he flashed his smile and told me with his eyes, you are going to
be okay. Don't worry. I ended the appointment with steroid treatment
delivered via an IV (to “kill” any active lesions), and an appointment for a MRI
three days later, in Salem (my doctor wanted the MRI immediately and Salem had
the first opening).
Day of My MRI
With my hubby by my side, I laid in the MRI machine
for 45 minutes repeating The Lord’s Prayer over and over again, as my hubby
stood by my side holding onto my legs.
It took several more days after
the MRI to learn the results. In the interim, I was being referred to a
neurologist that specializes in MS. For the next week my hubby was diligent on
reading everything there was to know about MS. He read blogs from people who
had similar attacks, he read about therapy for people with MS; different types
of MS. He constantly was reading and trying to get a grip on what I could
have. I, for one, focused on my speech. It was very embarrassing for me to not
be able to speak normally. I found myself saying little to no words when I was
in public until I could get the use of my speech all the way back. I spent my
time talking to God and my time telling myself I was NOT going to have
MS. I was too strong for that, I told myself, and have come too far in my
life to have any kind of disease.
On September 30, 2013, my regular doctor emailed me the
preliminary results to the MRI but advised me that he would defer the diagnosis
to the specialist, his email stated:
Here are your MRI results. You can
discuss them with Dr Zarelli.
Since your
last MRI:
1. New 1.6 cm acute
demyelinating plaque in the left middle frontal gyrus.
2. Two new but nonactive plaques in the right superior temporal
gyrus and in the right precentral gyrus near the vertex.
3. Remaining white matter disease appears
None of this really meant much to me. I passed the
information off to my hubby and told myself in a few days it would be all
cleared up, and I would probably have to make some more changes in my life to
continue to prevent migraines. This preliminary result sent my hubby into an
even deeper mode of research to try and discover what was going on.
Neurology Specialist
It was a long several days before my follow-up appointment
with the neurologist, Dr. Zarelli.
Sunday night, the night before my appointment, my husband
sat up in bed, closed our bedroom doors, turned off the TV, and said he wanted
to speak to me. He told me after all the research he had been doing for the
past week and with the symptoms I was having he thought I might have either
clinically isolated syndrome or MS.
CIS, he explained, is essentially MS with
only one episode. For a diagnosis of MS, he said, there needs to be symptoms
over time.
He went on to tell me that no matter what the doctors
found out he wanted me to know that he was there for me, he would be there for
me, and we would get through this no matter what. He expressed his love for me
and expressed how we are so fortunate to be where we are today in our marriage
and our life in generally. He didn't want me to worry, he wanted me to know he
would be here for me; he would be there for us and for our family. As much as I
adored what he was doing and appreciated that he was trying to calm my nerves I
looked at him and said "I love you, thank you but I do NOT have MS. I am too
strong to have MS." He just sort of looked at me, then he hugged me and kissed
me, and we enjoyed the rest of our night together.
Day of Appointment
As I sat there and my hubby held my hand I just kept
saying to myself you do not have MS, you do not have MS you are
fine. Finally the doctor came in, introduced himself asked if he
could have a student sit in with us and the appointment began.
As Dr. Zarelli logged into his computer, while not even
looking at me, he said "Okay, so you are here and you have MS." My body went
cold and I muttered the words, "Well, just come out with it, why don't you?" My
husband held my hand.
The doctor went on to say with the lesions showing on my
MRI it was clear this was MS. I had lesions in 2007, and a new lesion in 2013—including a
currently active lesion which led to my speech impairment.
The room closed up
on me and everyone around me became just this blurred image in my sight. I
instantly thought about my 5 kids, their images appeared in my mind lined up
from oldest to youngest, and I began to cry uncontrollably. How could I have
MS? I am the mother of 5 kids. My thoughts went to my hubby next and in an
instant I saw myself sitting back on my bed from the night before looking into
his eyes , and it suddenly occurred to me he knew I had MS when he was trying to
reassure me.
I can't have MS, I thought. Who would take care of him? I
can't have MS…I am the glue that holds this family together. In those split
moments I felt strength from my soul leave my body. I stood there feeling as if
I were only a shell of the person I was when I first walked into the
It was discovered with during some very uncomfortable and
emotional moments that Dr. Zarelli had thought I was ALREADY diagnosed with MS
and just thought I was there for some questions. He apologized, explained that
the previous neurologist failed to communicate that no one had told us yet, and
started over again.
As I composed myself and as my hubby comforted me, Dr.
Zarelli explained to me that this was not a death sentence. Not only was this
not a death sentence, but he went on to say that I have probably had MS for the
past 6-10 years and have done incredibly well despite NO treatment.
MS has a
“golden window” wherein the first 5 years determines how aggressive the disease
is. I have a step above benign MS, which means I had a MS attack (called an
exacerbation), but have only had one attack in almost a decade—and this was
without treatment.
Dr. Zarelli told us that he can almost 100% guarantee I
will do fine with this disease and that research is so advanced in 5 years I may
be able to walk into his office, get a shot and be cured of it. He said if this
1999, he would have a different prognosis for me—a dark one—but as a specialist
in MS, he could tell me that based on my MRI, the fact I have had it for years
and was not getting any treatment, and the way I rebounded from the current
attack—my body was strong and the form of the disease I had was mild, and
manageable. I could quite possibly never have symptoms again, and the disease
tends to go dormant at 50. Basically, I was halfway through it and had no idea I
was fighting it all this time.
He went on to tell us that I would start therapy right
away to prevent the disease from getting worse and prevent future exasperation
from happening. Again he wanted me to know that I was going to be fine. As
long as I got the MS therapy and continue to take care of my health through diet
and exercise, he saw no reason for concerns or chances of this getting any worse
than it was right then. My hubby and I were to go home with information and
choose what kind of drug therapy we were going to put me on.
Car Ride Home
Once into our vehicle my hubby wrapped his arms around me
and began what I like to call "Operation Calm Mellie down." The words my hubby
spoke that day to me are so near and dear to my heart that I will keep many of
them to myself. There are many things I love about this man, but one of them is
the way he loves me and can calm me when fear and doubt have completely taken
over, a side many people never get a chance to see of him but one of the sides I really appreciate and adore. He truly becomes the
rock I need, no matter what is going on between us. What I will share about
that moment is this: He reminded me that the doctor said I have probably had
this disease for 6-10 years, and this is my first episode in that time. He
reminded me that the doctor felt that drug therapy could very well prevent any
future attacks and/or lesions. He told me that with everything he read and what
the doctor had said, that when I made my transformation 5 years ago, not only
was I fighting to get my life style in order but I was also in the fight of my
life against a disease that could have left me disabled, and I had no idea. He
told me that because of my dedication to health and fitness, there was no doubt
in his mind that I put this disease in its place—kept it from becoming what it
could have been. Everything he had read from the National MS Society said that
drugs help, but diet and exercise are the deciding factor.
He reminded me that I was battling this with no
medication—no help from modern science, and now it was okay to combine my
efforts in the gym and in the kitchen with modern science—help I deserved to
get. He told me how strong I was as a person, and how very proud of me he
As we pulled away from the doctor's office, I knew I had
been forever changed but I also knew that with God, my hubby, and the support of
my family I would be fine. This disease was not going to get the best of me. It
was not going to define who I am.
October 14, 2013, will always be a day of rebirth for me.
I am blessed by God to not have my disease be more
aggressive, and I was blessed by the love of my hubby who has stood by my
side. With God, my husband, the love of my kids and the treatment from modern
day medicine, this will be nothing but another learning experience for me. This
will be another way to make myself better, help others make themselves better,
and be an example to anyone who cares to watch.
I am Michelle Elizabeth Galvan and I have MS... but MS
does NOT have me.
*MS is neurological disease wherein your body’s own immune
system attacks the myelin sheath (protective layer) over the nerve endings in
the brain. The cumulative damage to the sheath interferes with the communication
from brain to muscle, which can lead to disabilities. MS has no cure, but there
are several different levels of MS and diet and exercise is the number one
contributing factor to the overall impact of MS.
This is your brain..... |
This is your brain with lesions..... any questions? |