The traditional purpose of Lent is the preparation of the believer—through prayer, penance, repentance, almsgiving, and self-denial. Its institutional purpose is heightened in the annual commemoration of Holy Week, marking the death and resurrection of Jesus, which recalls the events of the the Bible when Jesus is crucified on Good Friday, which then culminates in the celebration on Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
During Lent, many of the faithful commit to fasting or giving up certain types of luxuries as a form of penitence.
Penitence: The quality or state of being penitent : sorrow for sins or faults.
After being married for ten years the hubby and I are both guilty of sins and faults against each other. Like most people we have our disagreements, we have times where words are said that can be painful and we both have times where our actions in the marriage have not honored one another. Marriage is hard and can put you in situations you never thought you would be in. But through it all one thing has remained for me towards my hubby, its my love and dedication to him.
The season of Lent it about being sorrow for your sins and faults while honoring Christ for what He gave up for us... HIS life. My family practices this tradition each year by deciding what we are going to give up for Lent and what actions we will do to bring our faith and relationship closer to God. This is something we have tried to do each season and have our children do as well.
My hubby and I strive to do the same with our relationship, what we can do to bring us closer together and our bond more solid. For those who know me and follow me the way I started was by taking the The Love Dare. I took the dare as a way to help improve myself as a wife and show my hubby what he meant to me. Now my hubby is wanting to take the challenge with me. So last night we decided that we would begin the challenge together by each of us starting over. We want to help anyone out there who is trying to improve their marriage as well so my hubby has agreed to blog along with me.
Going forward we will each blog together about the chapter, the challenge and what affect it had on us. This is a way for us to be able to share our growth with anyone out there and let you see it from both view points. I am very excited to be sharing this with my hubby and all of you.
We will start on Monday the 25th of February.
I look forward to this and I hope you do as well.
Have a great day, a wonderful weekend and remember all things are possible through God.
***I have a couple friends who are struggling in their marriage. I challenged them to take the Love Dare with me. This is a 60 day love challenge based off the movie FireProof Your Marriage. I have started this challenge in the past but not fully dove into it or completed it so I thought if I got these ladies to do it with me we could all work through it together.
I am always looking for ways to improve my marriage, my faith and my relationship with my hubby. I am doing this for me more so than FOR him. It is about changing who I am and who I want to be as a wife and mother and child of God.****
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