Welcome to Mellie's mind...

Where thoughts can be funny, can race at all hours of the day and night and can sometimes not make any sense!

Enjoy the ride!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Love Dare, Day One

I have a couple friends who are struggling in their marriage.  I challenged them yesterday to take the Love Dare with me.  This is a 60 day love challenge based off the movie FireProof Your Marriage.  I have started this challenge in the past but not fully dove into it or completed it so I thought if I got these ladies to do it with me we could all work through it together.


I am always looks for ways to improve my marriage, my faith and my relationship with my hubby.  I am doing this for me more so than FOR him.  It is about changing who I am and who I want to be as a wife and mother and child of God.

Day One

The first part of this dare is fairly simple.  Although love is communicated in a number of ways, our words often reflect the condition of our heart.  For the next day, resolve to demonstrate patience and to say nothing negative to your spouse at all.  If the temptation arises, choose not to say anything.  It's better to hold your tongue than to say something you'll regret.

I have to say I started this dare on Tuesday January, 22 2013 because the night before my hubby and I had some struggles.  Some words were said in anger, hurt and in fear and we lashed out at each other.  This is NEVER my intention when a problem arises with him, but as most my emotions get the best of me and fear takes over and I lash out.  It really is something I am trying to work on because it is not pretty, it does not honor my hubby and it is not God like.  So in the morning when I came down to my desk to work my book was sitting there and I told myself... No better day than today.

I was able to achieve my goal.  I did not say anything negative to my hubby.  Several times today I thought of the pain and embarrassment I felt knowing some of the things going on around me.  But I refused to say anything or post anything negative.  I was determined not to allow my mind to run away with me and my emotions and take over.  I told myself I will love my hubby better than anyone can and I will show that love in every action I do towards him.

I made sure the house was in order when he got home and the kids were not being chaotic.  I greeted him when he came in the door with a smile and a kiss.  He shared something with me about his day that I made sure as I was listening I did not give any judgmental looks or ask any questions I just heard what he told me and supported him.  I made sure to show him my communication of love by touching him and stroking his hair and face.  This is nothing new that I do, but as I was doing it I realized I do not do it enough.  My love communication needs to come from more than just my words.... I have to show him the physical too outside of the bedroom.   This also shows him that I find him attractive and desire him.  

We ended up sneaking away for about two hours and went and had a drink together.  It was a chance I felt that I could use to connect with him again after a rough night and reinforce that this is where I want to be and hope he does too.  I felt like there was an elephant in the room but I said nothing negative and asked no pointed questions about that elephant.  I can only hope that he sees this action as me working on me and not working on him.  He is NOT my project, he is not for me to save or for me to lead.  This is for me and for me to change how I do things in my marriage.

I hope day one was the success I feel it was.  I am looking forward to reading my challenge today and seeing what is next.


Thursday, January 10, 2013

Life is good even when there is chaos all around you.

My hubby and I just got home from having dinner at a friend's house. We are currently laying in our bed, on our own sides of the bed but our feet are touching. I can't help but think how blessed we are.

Two days ago I heard a saying that I have heard a thousand times in my life but didn't really HEAR it till that night.

"Sometimes you have to go through Hell to get to Heaven."


Life is full of ups and downs and sometimes people have more than others.. I know I have had my share of them. But what I realized is no matter how bad things get and no matter how many times I MAY not THINK I'm going to make it through something the same thing always happens....

The sun rises, I get up and I live through it.

I wish I had not spent so many years of my life thinking this was the be all end all when things got tough. It's just like I tell my clients and what I do for my own workouts... I put my big girl panties on and do what I have to do to get through it.

I have learned its all about the approach, the mindset and what I ALLOW myself to focus on. Feelings are just that.. Feelings! They don't define you, they don't determine your life. Feelings are just the way you feel. Yes, some are harder and hurt more than others... But if we can focus on the good and not let our emotions run away from us I think we could all be just a little happier and healthier. I'm tired of riding the feeling roller coaster.. It goes up and down and up and down again. I want off that ride.

I want to define me.
I want to determine my day..
Not let my feelings do the work.

I'm laying in bed with my best friend... Our feet are touching.. We are bonded and in love. My family is provided for and healthy. Chaos is all around me....

Life is good.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Happiness and Peace within YOURSELF

A friend contacted me last night about the frustrations she was feeling in her marriage.

Her take of the situation, according to what I gathered, was that she felt as if her needs in the marriage were going unmet and that her hubby didn't care about her.  His response to her in the past has been "if she is so unhappy than perhaps she should go and find someone else to make her happy."

How many times have married couples said this to each other..... more than there are numbers to count I would bet.

As her and I exchanged texts back and forth it became clear to me that the issue at hand, although big and very important, was really not the issue that was the core of the problem for these two.  Like myself my friend can get herself lost in her "feelings"  They can make the day bright as the sun or dark as the night and they can change on a whim.  I have spent many of years living in my feelings and getting lost along the way.

It has became clear to me that I can no live by my feelings alone.  They are a roller coaster of emotions that can take you for a ride that can destroy everything you are working for.  Generally when we act on our emotions we make poor choices in life and sometimes irreversible consequences occur.  It has been and continues to be a struggle for me to change this behavior and I was moved to share with her that she too has to change this about herself.

The first step to doing this in my marriage and what I suggested for my friend was to find her own happiness.  I find as I look more and more into my marriage and friends share more and more of their marriages with me it seems like we are always looking to our spouse to make us happy.  Whether it's approval from them, love from them, support from them or just plain acceptance we thrive so much for something that will make us happy..... but when did we stop making ourselves happy?

It is not my hubby's job to make me happy, it is mine and mine alone.  I had to learn that I have to find what really brings joy in my life and go out and seek it.  I had to determine what was important to me and go with it.  For me it was getting myself into shape.

Sure, I began working out at first to appease my hubby but as time went on it became about me being happy in my own skin and this was one of the steps.  When I feel like I have lacked on working out or my eating and see changes in my body that need to improve it is no longer for my hubby it is because this is what will make me more happy.

When I journal or blog it is not to show my hubby what a good girl I am and how I am trying to improve my marriage or who I am.. it is because writing makes me happy.

Just like I told my friend last night:
"You have to start taking care of yourself and stop waiting for your hubby to make you happy.  YOU have to find your happiness without him.  Doesn't mean you leave him, it just means you begin a search for yourself.. on your own.. in your space and then continue to pray and try and talk to him.  Your hubby is a good man, you love him.  Hold onto the good things about your hubby and your relationship when times are dark and you feel alone.  Pray for God to take your pain and deal with it the way only He knows how.  Sometimes when our spouse see that we are happy or getting happy it can create a new spark between the two of you that you can grow on and build.  The enemy binds your marriage and your hubby through problems big and small.  The enemy will be a constant reminder of your problems.  You must find peace in yourself and that happiness in yourself before you can make a happiness in your marriage."

Just like working out, no one is going to do the work for you and there is no quick and easy solution.  Marriage is hard and it can take many years to come together and feel as if it is right.  But how can any of us expect to be happy in our marriages if we are not happy in ourselves?  It is not being selfish finding YOUR happiness... it is doing an honor to yourself, your hubby, you kids and your marriage to be happy.  Being happy is a sure way to avoid falling into dark days of "feelings" that can run away with your mind and zap any happy feelings you have.

My example of my feelings today:  I posted a bible verse on my hubby's Facebook wall.  I searched a long time for some prayers and verses that I was going to use and told myself I would post a prayer once a day for him for 30 days to show my love, respect and admiration.  An hour later he deleted it off his wall.  When I asked him why he said "I don't like it when you post versus on my wall it makes me feel as if you are lecturing me."  Well, let me tell you my feelings ramped up and I got all upset.  I was hurt, I was mad, I was embarrassed and I was disappointed.  My feelings started sending me into a darkness I was all too familiar with but refused to go into.  

I had to say to myself... it was not your intention to make him feel like he was being lectured so you did nothing wrong.  But I also had to say to myself "I am not in control of the way he feels and if that's what came out of me posting a verse on his wall than that was not the goal of my post either"  so I had to let it go. 

By taking a few moments, okay maybe a 1/2 hour, I moved beyond those feelings and did not allow them to run away with me.  I was able to change my pattern of behavior and not let my feelings dictate me or the rest of my day.  Because after all the post was for HIM not to make me feel a certain way...... so, now I know.... no posts of bible versus on hubby's wall and my peace and happiness is still intact.

Have a blessed day


Readings from a Medium... sin?

I spoke the other day about my hubby and I going to see a Medium in December of last year.  We were in Seattle and on a whim decided to go and seek one out and get a reading for the two of us.

My hubby and I both believe in the after life.  We believe in Heaven and Hell and believe that when you die there is more to life than your body in the ground.  We believe that your spirit goes on to other places after passing from this Earth and that our time here is only a minute moment compared to Eternity.  We also believe in spirits getting stuck or haunting for reasons only they would know.

As a child and a young adult my hubby had experiences of the paranormal.  Experiences I will not share because they are not my stories but when he talks about them I know they occurred and had a forever lasting impact on him.

I have always had "feelings" growing up.  Feelings that I never understood until I became an adult and started to understand the paranormal more.  My feelings often lead to something happening or finding out something was happening. I sometimes can sense when someone is in spirit is around me and I have dreams that come true.  My dreams are the most prominent experiences I have.  I once described them to a friend as God talking to me or warning me.

Having things happen to my hubby and I in the past it made seeing a medium even more exciting. Some would say that going to see a medium is like playing with fire, inviting evil into your life or possibly opening a door that you do not want to open.  My hubby and I discussed this prior to seeing a medium, was this a sin going against our Catholic faith?

When my hubby and I became Catholics, together, many years ago.  My hubby had asked the Father of the Church, Father Bob, if he believed in spirits and hauntings.  Father Bob told the RCIA class that he very much believed in these things and knew first hand that hauntings and possessions were very much a real thing.

My hubby and I do not play with weegie boards and we refrain from watching movies that are glorying evil and his realm.  We believe you can invite evil into your life and home if you read or practice certain rituals.  We believe that evil is on your doorstep everyday waiting for a chance to come in or be invited to come in... going to see a medium is not one of those opportunities in our minds.

Our medium, Meaghan O'Leary also does a protection prayer at the start of every reading.  She does not speak of God by name but she does call to all the protectors in the universe. I felt very much as ease with this when she began and knew that I was safe at that moment from anything negative coming into my reading or the area I was in.

Meaghan can name people who have passed if that spirit gives her the name.  Other than that she talks to your spiritual guides.  A spiritual guide is a spirit that watches over you and is with you helping you through life.  I had a few spitiual guides Meaghan spoke to, one being a male and one being a female.  These spiritual guides shared with Meaghan to share with me about my marriage and what I spoke about in the previous blog titled Medium  Meaghan spoke of things from the guides that she could not possibly have known about so It was my determination that I received a true reading.

If you want to check out the medium we used here is her website.  She does do readings by phone and Skype.  Your experience will not be altered by having it over the phone or Skype.  In fact I gifted a reading to my hairdresser and she was amazed at the things Meaghan picked up on.

Her website is:  http://www.spiritushealing.com/

I will for sure being using Meaghan again and will also be sharing more of my reading with all of you in the days to come. 

Make it a great day!


Thursday, January 3, 2013


In the first part of December my hubby and I were in Seattle for our diversionary.  The first night we were there we were out to dinner and I suggested that after dinner we go and see if we could find a medium and go have a reading.  This is something my hubby and I have always talked about and have been interested in but I think we were both a little scared to actually do it.  We were not able to find one that night but was able to set up an appointment the next night with Meaghan.

Let me just say this was an AWESOME and profound experience for both of us.

As soon as the medium, Meaghan, centered herself and got "in tune" with myself the first thing she said was:

"I am smiling in the midst of our prayer together because there is a cute story between the two of you that I can see in your heart center.  I want to say congratulations to the one of you who was patient enough to wait for the other to fully commit. I feel like Michelle is holding that story in her heart. There is a lot of amusing affection between the two of you.  When I go to your guides, there is a lot of humor here, and they have Michelle in the shape of a fishing pole reeling in Joseph.  Your guides are celebrating that they have pulled this off between the two of you.  She went on to say, You guys are funny, the reason I say that is because I can not tell exactly why and it is probably not important but at your soul's level there is some big cosmic joke and your guides are like "Wow, we did not think we were going to be able to pull that off"  Marriage is exactly where the two of you are suppose to be."

To be sitting in front of this person, her not knowing anything about my hubby and I or our past it was amazing to hear this right off the bat.  It really gave me some validation that all the work and the time that my hubby and I have been putting into our marriage is really the right path that we are to be on.  I am not saying I needed to hear her confirmation but it sure helped.  

I recall a time not so long ago when my hubby and I were having some troubles, we had a brief separation and people all around me were telling me it was time to let it go.  Move on they would say, you deserve better, you deserve to be happy and have someone who wants to be with you in mind, heart and soul.  But I could not just walk away from him because I had this little voice inside my head reapeating to me over and over again... "You're not done yet Michelle.' and because I love my hubby and I felt as if we were meant to be together no matter what was happening I refused to let go.

So being in this room with the medium, with my hubby next to me, hearing what she was describing as soon as she started the reading was so profound to me I began to tear up. 

I heard some ladies in the gym restroom talking the other day and it sounded as if they were talking about a mutual friend's marriage.  The one lady said "I would never put up with him treating me that way and she shouldn't either I do not know why she doesn't leave him!"

It brought back some memories of my own as a younger person and how I had a "list" of things I would NEVER put up with and told myself I would never allow to happen.  But until you are invested in the relationship and can anaylize the life you have you should never say never.  

No one should judge other people's relationships or marriages because until you are living their life you have no idea what they are going through, no idea what they feel and have no idea what kind of bond they have for each other.  Life is messy and bad things happen but it's not the bad things you should focus on it's what good comes out of it.

As the mother of two girls I am going to raise them to be strong and not allow others to take advantage of them.  But I also want them to have forgiving hearts and understand that life happens and if there is a mutual love, respect and bond with someone almost anything can be forgiven.

I am so happy we did that reading for this reason alone.  It really gave me the feeling like my hubby and I were on the correct path and gave me hope that our struggles are behind us now and from here we just need to love each other, love our kids and make the best out of this life.  God wants us happy, God wants us to have peace and God wants us to have him in his life.  I am excited to still be with my hubby and working towards all these things with him... my best friend.