In my later years of life it became apparent to me that I had to learn to hold my tongue in certain situations rather than blurting out what was in my thoughts at any given moment. This came to me one day when I was in the middle of a heated argument with my hubby. The moment was so profound to me it has stuck with me all of these years, but not because he "broke me" but because I learned at that very second the way I was speaking to him was not honoring him, loving him or respecting him. I was determined that at that moment to change how I reacted to people and how I reacted to him.
Fast forward ten years to today and I can honestly look back and say I have came along way. I am not perfect by any means, there are many times over the past 10 years I have said things I wished I never would have said to him and to other people in my life. But I feel that each day I do make a conscious effort to try and improve my communication and the message I'm sending. Yet one thing I failed to realize till just today, what is the message I am NOT saying?
We communicate in many ways on several different levels. Our body language, movement of eyes, expressions on our faces, tones in our voices, even if we sigh someone can take that as an unspoken message. But what really is on my mind today is the unspoken message of our actions.
What do my actions say to my hubby and my children?
I have a friend who smokes, a nasty habit and one of the worse things you can do your body. She and I have gone rounds over the reasons she should quit. I have come to her from a point of a friendship, as an ex causal smoker, as a personal trainer, and even as an angry friend. I have tried all the tricks in my book to try and get her to finally stop smoking. Of course this is a decision she has to make and has to want to do but I am determined to be the angel on her shoulder bugging her till she finally quits. My point to her yesterday when speaking to her about the habit was what was her unspoken message to her daughter and husband by continuing to smoke?
She had no idea what I was speaking of until I dove deeper into the conversation. I told her that because she has chosen a terrible habit that brings nothing positive to her life and future she was telling her husband and daughter that her needs were more important than theirs. By continuing to jeopardize her life she was telling her husband that it did not matter to her that he could be facing a future as being a single dad. She was telling him he could face a future with a wife who has to use a voice box to speak. She was telling him that she didn't care his future could possibly be in a cancer treatment center week after week trying to fight for her life. She was telling him she didn't care that their income may be jeopardized or their savings may be dwindled because he would have to pay for her care. All these things she was telling him because she was being selfish and choose to continue this horrific habit because "she enjoys smoking." She was telling her daughter, "Do as I say, not as I do." She was telling her daughter that her needs at this moment to smoke were more important to her than all her daughter's future needs as she grew up. All these message to her family were unspoken by her actions. This message in some deep way, regardless if we want to admit it or not tells the other party... "I don't really care what you think, I don't really respect you either because I am willing to put my own needs before yours."
These sort of actions hold true in other areas of our lives as well. Take my other friend who is married. Her husband works for a company that the majority of the employees are female. He is a respectable man who is well liked and looked up to at his employment. My friend will go to his office almost weekly to have lunch with her husband, it's a time for her to break away from their newborn son and a time for her and her husband to connect.
For the past few years there has been a woman at his employment that has treated my friend with nothing but rudeness and disregard. My friend tells me she is friendly with all her husband's employees and goes out of her way to do nice things for them but this one woman, in particular, is flat out rude to her. My friend is very secure in her marriage and herself and knows that not everyone has to like her but what bothers her is her husband's unspoken message to her as his wife.
Her husband, of course being this woman's boss, is friendly with the woman. They work side by side everyday together and as well all know we all want to get along with the people we work with. However my friend's frustration comes from her husband going above and beyond to be friendly with this employee knowing the way she treats his wife. He has seen the employee be dismissing to his wife, he has heard the comments the employee makes about his wife yet continues to go out of his way to be friendly with the employee at company events with the wife by his side. There have been occasions where the husband has assisted the employee in personal matters to help resolve issues she was going through. These unspoken words, his actions, tell my friend that her husband is not concerned with the fact that this employee disrespects his wife. When her husband does things for this employee the message she gets is that the employees' needs are more important than the wife's feelings. That is his unspoken message to his wife. And his unspoken message to this employee and his other employees is "You don't have to respect my wife, and I will still go above and beyond for you as friends."
I think these two examples are very good starting points for the rest of us to reconsider how our unspoken messages are coming across to the ones we love. Sitting back and thinking about these examples has helped me identify some areas in my life and marriage that I know I need to change right away. I realize now the words that come out of my mouth to express how I feel towards my hubby, my children and my friends are not as important as my actions. My actions need to ring louder than my words. Today I am going to work on improving my unspoken messages.
I am Michelle Galvan. As a working mother of 5 children I am about being healthy, staying healthy, raising my kids to be upstanding normal adults and finding my place in the world, while trying to help others find theirs too. It's my passion to inspire people and leave a positive mark on this world that will make it just a little bit better. Being able to help others improve their quality of life is the best gift I can give others and myself.
Welcome to Mellie's mind...
Where thoughts can be funny, can race at all hours of the day and night and can sometimes not make any sense!
Enjoy the ride!
Where thoughts can be funny, can race at all hours of the day and night and can sometimes not make any sense!
Enjoy the ride!
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Thursday, April 4, 2013
The Love Dare-Day Ten
Do something
out of the ordinary today for your spouse-something that proves (to you and to
them) that your love is based on your choice and nothing else. Wash her
car. Clean the kitchen. Buy his favorite dessert. Fold the
laundry. Demonstrate love for them for the sheer joy of being their
partner in marriage.
Last night as my hubby and I were winding down in our room together, I thought of my dare for the day. I tried to think of anything I had done that was out of the ordinary to show my love for my hubby. I began to feel bad and shameful because even as much as I thought about it during the day I had not come up with anything that I could have done, any small gesture or extra action to show my love for him. I shared my feelings with my hubby and told him I had failed at the challenge. He was kind and pointed out to me all the things I do for him daily that show him love, even down to putting an extra plum in his lunch for him. It made me realize I was looking at this challenge the wrong way.
It's not always black and white, just like marriage there are a lot of grey areas (and even pink if you are married to me!) So I told myself I would look outside of the box of the challenge and find what it was that I was to learn in this chapter.
Unconditional love.
The statement in the book that says "If a spouse says they have fallen out of love with you then they never really loved you unconditionally to begin with." is a VERY powerful statement to me. I have unconditional love for my hubby and always have. It's not a love I have ever shared with anyone else because it has always been so easy for me to walk away from previous relationships and not look back. This is not the case in my marriage with my hubby.
We are all selfish in some way or another, we all have our weak moments when we forget to think about the other person and how our actions may affect them. I try and keep this in the forefront of my mind and my marriage..
In the past if I did not agree with something that was going on in our marriage I would fight it tooth and nail. I would continue to bring it up and put pressure on my hubby in hopes to change the behavior that was occurring. These past few weeks something spoke to me in my head, God, and showed me I was doing nothing to help my marriage acting like this. That voice that spoke to me told me it was not changing the behavior, it was only upsetting me and it was pushing my hubby further from me. So as I prayed I finally came to realize my fits about the situation was not changing it one bit. This was a decision my hubby had made and even though it hurts me it was NOT hurting me physically or my family it was only hurting my pride. And what does the bible say about Pride?
Psalm 10:4 explains that the proud are so consumed with themselves that their thoughts are far from God: “In his pride the wicked does not seek him; in all his thoughts there is no room for God.” This kind of haughty pride is the opposite of the spirit of humility that God seeks: “Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven”
So to show my unconditional love to my hubby I have refrained from asking questions about the situation. I have refrained from putting myself into a position where I see the situation. This is my hubby's thing to work out and to do what he feels that he needs to do and I have to let go of it and allow him to. This behavior is the something out of the ordinary for me to prove to my hubby that my love is based on my choice and nothing else. I love my husband, not because of the life he provides, or because of the hard work he does. Not because of the father he is to our kids, or because of the things he does for me... I love him because of HIM. I CHOOSE to give my love to him, unconditionally.
My wife and I have this Facebook thing. It goes something like this, she alleges: I get upset at her for no good reason, and change my profile and cover photos (sans her).
Now, while not stipulating that this is fact, her consistent allegations of the same have begun to make me think that she, at least, believes it to be so. So, for this challenge, I did a little reverse Mexican brown magic...I posted a picture of just her, as my cover for all the world to see.
But not just any picture.
A picture of a young Michelle, new in our relationship, sitting in a kayak...something she never thought she would see...with a literal sea of water before her. She could go anywhere she wants. It was both somewhat dangerous, yet exciting and rewarding---like many of the worthwhile opportunities in our lives (there is risk).
Nearly 10 years later, I am so happy that she chose to go with me. I love this woman. We have been through ups and downs, good times and bad times. I was with her when she nearly died in childbirth. I remember the doctor telling me they were going to put her in a coma, fly her to Seattle, and that I should prepare for the worse and notify all those that may want to see her. It still, to this day, shakes me to my core to know how close I cam to losing her.
Today, she could still go anywhere she wanted. There is a sea of choices before her, but she chooses me. For that reason, and many others, I try each day to do a little more than the day before to express my love for her.
In the picture, although not seen...I am right behind her in that kayak. To me, this is symbolic. In our relationship, Michelle is often at the forefront...often gets the spotlight. I am more than happy to have it this way. But, like the song I posted on her wall yesterday--when she looks around, I will always be there (I promise).
This is what I did yesterday to demonstrate my pure joy in being in our marriage.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
The Love Dare-Day Nine
Think of a
special way you'd like to greet your spouse today. Do it with a smith
and with enthusiasm. Then determine to change your greeting to reflect
your love for them.
makes good impressions- You can tell a lot about the state of a
couple's relationship from the way they greet one another. The bible
speaks a lot about greeting others. The apostle Paul took time to
encourage his readers to greet one another warmly when they met. It's
probably something you don't think about often but how do you greet your
spouse first thing in the morning, what is the look on your face when
one returns from being gone to work or out? What energy is in your
voice when you speak to your spouse on the phone? You probably never
considered it-the difference it would make in your spouse's day if
everything about you expressed the fact that you were really, really
glad to see them. It doesn't have to be bold and dramatic all the
time. But adding warmth and enthusiasm gives you the chance to touch
your mate's heart in a subtle, unspoken way.
This was a really good chapter for me because what seems like such a little gesture can often make such a huge impact on a person we take for granted ~ the cause and affect we have on others sometimes escapes me.
There have been days where my "salutations" to my hubby have been less than desirable in his eyes, what seems like a perfectly fine hello to ME might be a brush off to him. I had a manager once tell me "someone's perception of me was 100% the truth to them and it was up to me to determine what perception they would have." This rings true in my marriage too.
I might be tired, rushing around getting ready for the gym, have had five different kids bombard me with questions, needs or wants when my hubby is walking through the door home from his day. I might shoot him a hello, smile and continue on with the path I am on or I may stop and hug him and kiss him hello and then continue on with my task. Regardless neither of these ways shows him how truly happy I am he is home.
I have said it a thousand and one times, marriage is hard. My hubby and I have been through the ringer and back with each other but none of that matters to me the moment he walks out the door and leaves for the day. As soon as I hear the garage door closing in the morning and I hear his little car speed down the road of our neighborhood something changes in me. Sometimes I will have a quick morbid thought, "what if this is the last time I see him?" most times I just think "okay now it's time to get on with your day" but no matter what I am saying in my head in my heart I feel empty.
This emptiness does not have to do with insecurities or fears, it's simply when we are not together I do not feel complete. I feel lost, not whole and sometimes alone. Does this mean we have to be with each other every waking moment of everyday? No, but it does mean that when we are not together I do not feel 100% of myself. Some may say is this cosmic bond we have with each other, I simply say I love my husband and miss him when he is not with me. This to me is love, a love I have never had nor will ever have again.
That all being said, this chapter was a GREAT reminder that when he does come home I do need to greet him better. I do need to show him how much I missed him and exactly how happy I am that he is home. This doesn't mean I need to smoother him when he gets home or become his shadow it simply means I should clear my mind, my thoughts and spend a few moments letting him know....
I am happy you are home and greet him with a kiss of love.
Taking people for granted--should be the 8th deadly sin, as far as I am concerned. Someday, hopefully not soon, my last hello or goodbye will be just last. Sooner or later, sometimes unexpectedly, we are all going to die.
This chapter was a reminder, to me--the bigger picture if you will-- that I need to not take my wife for granted. To me, this is symbolized by the importance of a proper greeting-....taking the time to demonstrate to the love of your life that they are just that...while you still can.
Some times, especially when it comes to "self-improvement", I feel like we constantly work toward the future. I want to be become this...I am working toward....I will be a better...etc. etc. But you know what, that next day or year may not come. So, while I am all for working for a better tomorrow, as they say, I am cautious not to do it at the expense...the risk of forgetting...about today. For right now, this moment, is the only thing in life that is guaranteed to us.
I love my wife. I miss her when she is gone. I am always sooo happy to see her. I will take the time to make sure she feels the way I feel inside.
This was a really good chapter for me because what seems like such a little gesture can often make such a huge impact on a person we take for granted ~ the cause and affect we have on others sometimes escapes me.
There have been days where my "salutations" to my hubby have been less than desirable in his eyes, what seems like a perfectly fine hello to ME might be a brush off to him. I had a manager once tell me "someone's perception of me was 100% the truth to them and it was up to me to determine what perception they would have." This rings true in my marriage too.
I might be tired, rushing around getting ready for the gym, have had five different kids bombard me with questions, needs or wants when my hubby is walking through the door home from his day. I might shoot him a hello, smile and continue on with the path I am on or I may stop and hug him and kiss him hello and then continue on with my task. Regardless neither of these ways shows him how truly happy I am he is home.
I have said it a thousand and one times, marriage is hard. My hubby and I have been through the ringer and back with each other but none of that matters to me the moment he walks out the door and leaves for the day. As soon as I hear the garage door closing in the morning and I hear his little car speed down the road of our neighborhood something changes in me. Sometimes I will have a quick morbid thought, "what if this is the last time I see him?" most times I just think "okay now it's time to get on with your day" but no matter what I am saying in my head in my heart I feel empty.
This emptiness does not have to do with insecurities or fears, it's simply when we are not together I do not feel complete. I feel lost, not whole and sometimes alone. Does this mean we have to be with each other every waking moment of everyday? No, but it does mean that when we are not together I do not feel 100% of myself. Some may say is this cosmic bond we have with each other, I simply say I love my husband and miss him when he is not with me. This to me is love, a love I have never had nor will ever have again.
That all being said, this chapter was a GREAT reminder that when he does come home I do need to greet him better. I do need to show him how much I missed him and exactly how happy I am that he is home. This doesn't mean I need to smoother him when he gets home or become his shadow it simply means I should clear my mind, my thoughts and spend a few moments letting him know....
I am happy you are home and greet him with a kiss of love.
Taking people for granted--should be the 8th deadly sin, as far as I am concerned. Someday, hopefully not soon, my last hello or goodbye will be just last. Sooner or later, sometimes unexpectedly, we are all going to die.
This chapter was a reminder, to me--the bigger picture if you will-- that I need to not take my wife for granted. To me, this is symbolized by the importance of a proper greeting-....taking the time to demonstrate to the love of your life that they are just that...while you still can.
Some times, especially when it comes to "self-improvement", I feel like we constantly work toward the future. I want to be become this...I am working toward....I will be a better...etc. etc. But you know what, that next day or year may not come. So, while I am all for working for a better tomorrow, as they say, I am cautious not to do it at the expense...the risk of forgetting...about today. For right now, this moment, is the only thing in life that is guaranteed to us.
I love my wife. I miss her when she is gone. I am always sooo happy to see her. I will take the time to make sure she feels the way I feel inside.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
The Love Dare-Day Eight
Determine to become your spouse's biggest fan and to reject any thoughts of jealousy. To help you set your heart on your spouse and focus on their achievements, take yesterday's list of negative attributes and discreetly burn it. Then share with your spouse how glad you are about a success he or she recently enjoyed.
Love is not jealous- Jealousy is one of the strongest drives known to man. It comes from the root word for zeal and means "to burn with an intense fire" The scriptures pointedly says, "Wrath is a fierce and anger is a flood, but who can stand before jealousy?" (Proverbs 27:4)
There are two forms of jealousy: legitimate jealousy based upon love, and an illegitimate jealousy based upon envy. Legitimate jealousy sparks when someone you love turns their heart away from and replaces you with someone else in the mind, body or both. Illegitimate is in the opposition to love-one rooted in selfishness. This is jealousy of someone or of someone being more popular and can lead to feeling of hatred towards that person. When you were married, you were given the role of becoming your spouse's biggest cheerleader and the captain of his or her fan club. Both of you became one and were to share the enjoyment of the other. Because love is not selfish and puts others first, it refuses to let jealousy in. It is time to let love, humility and gratefulness destroy any jealousy that springs up in your heart. It is time to let your mate's success draw you closer together and give you greater opportunities to show genuine love.
I didn't burn my list but I did "dispose" of it. I do not have a hard time with disposing of a list of "negative things" about my hubby. These are not the things I focus on from day to day when I think of him. Each day my intention is to try and make his life a little easier and try and find a way for us to get closer. Some days I achieve this goal and some days I fail miserably at it.
We all have faults, we all have things we want to change about ourselves. Just because I am a child of God does not mean that I am perfect nor do I expect my hubby to be perfect. We are born of free will and with that comes learning and mistakes along the way. I admit when I first got married I thought I could "change" my hubby and it was a long time till I realized the only thing I have control over and have the ability to change is myself. I no longer spend my time wishing he would change. If there is something I wish he would not do anymore, I ask him not to do it. If that does not work then I try and turn it over to God and let it be between Him and my hubby. Really, there is nothing more I can do to help change things, he will have to want to change or it will never happen.
This chapter asked me how hard it was to burn the list, it really wasn't hard for me at all. I love my hubby, I KNOW he is the man for me and I KNOW he can be all that he wants to be in this marriage and in his life. I KNOW these negative attributes are not the only things that make him up and I know that he tries to overcome them. My hubby is a good man, he has a big heart and he loves his wife and family. He just has his own things he needs to work on and realize they do not define him and he does not have to let them rule his life or his choices. This list was easy to dispose of, because I know this is not the man my hubby is meant to be, this is not the man God meant for him to be. He will overcome, I will overcome my negative attributes so we can live the life we were meant to live...... together.
I am my hubby's biggest fan, I always have been and I always will. I made sure to do what the chapter told me and go out of my way to share with my hubby something I was proud about in his accomplishments. I never find it hard to praise my hubby because I know he is a good man and he works hard. It easy to be number two of his fan club and it always will be. (Number one of course is himself-smile)
I didn't burn my list but I did "dispose" of it. I do not have a hard time with disposing of a list of "negative things" about my hubby. These are not the things I focus on from day to day when I think of him. Each day my intention is to try and make his life a little easier and try and find a way for us to get closer. Some days I achieve this goal and some days I fail miserably at it.
We all have faults, we all have things we want to change about ourselves. Just because I am a child of God does not mean that I am perfect nor do I expect my hubby to be perfect. We are born of free will and with that comes learning and mistakes along the way. I admit when I first got married I thought I could "change" my hubby and it was a long time till I realized the only thing I have control over and have the ability to change is myself. I no longer spend my time wishing he would change. If there is something I wish he would not do anymore, I ask him not to do it. If that does not work then I try and turn it over to God and let it be between Him and my hubby. Really, there is nothing more I can do to help change things, he will have to want to change or it will never happen.
This chapter asked me how hard it was to burn the list, it really wasn't hard for me at all. I love my hubby, I KNOW he is the man for me and I KNOW he can be all that he wants to be in this marriage and in his life. I KNOW these negative attributes are not the only things that make him up and I know that he tries to overcome them. My hubby is a good man, he has a big heart and he loves his wife and family. He just has his own things he needs to work on and realize they do not define him and he does not have to let them rule his life or his choices. This list was easy to dispose of, because I know this is not the man my hubby is meant to be, this is not the man God meant for him to be. He will overcome, I will overcome my negative attributes so we can live the life we were meant to live...... together.
I am my hubby's biggest fan, I always have been and I always will. I made sure to do what the chapter told me and go out of my way to share with my hubby something I was proud about in his accomplishments. I never find it hard to praise my hubby because I know he is a good man and he works hard. It easy to be number two of his fan club and it always will be. (Number one of course is himself-smile)
I am a gem. I say this often (along with "I'm golden", "I'm awesome" and other related affirmations). Why? Well, in part because I am proud of myself--the day-to-day work I put in to benefit my family and those that count on me. I know I am both respected and liked (by most) of my employees. Today, out of the blue, an employee extended his hand to me and said he wanted to thank me for making him better at his job. He had a great month, and thought to thank me for working with him. This reminds me of why I do what I do.
But, I have faults. I have fears. I have insecurities. And, when I am not careful, they can bleed over into my family life. It is important that I continue to establish boundaries between my professional life, and family life. As I often tell my wife, I can't fire my kids so I need to continue to work with and develop them....but if I could....I kid the children.
My wife is incredible. Anyone that knows Michelle knows that she is honest, passionate, devoted to her God and family; she works and plays hard. She is the most amazing woman I have ever known. I married her because I knew she was "the one." I remain married to her because I am in love with her more than the day I married her, and she is my constant motivation to be a better man...continue to make better choices.
My wife said something to me a few weeks ago, and she may have had one too many turkey burgers, but it was something to the effect of: People often think that I make you a better person; really, you make me a better woman, a better Michelle.
It's hard to explain how much these words mean to me, because as she said it to me, I can say the same thing to her. I think this is rare.
We have our disagreements. We have our issues. Most, we work through. Some, we continue to work through. We don't always agree on how we raise our kids, or decisions that each other makes. But, I know we respect each other. And, overall, vastly overall--we have common values that guide us. Most of all- we have love. Even in our darkest moment, or in the emotion of a....conversation...I respect her, I believe in her, and want to be with her. There is no where else I would rather be and no one else I would rather be with, than my wife.
Yes, we all have faults. But I truly had a difficult time creating a list of "negatives" because to me, she is who she is, and I love her for it. Her negatives, to me, are who she is. And, I love her...all of her, even the things I wish (and will continue to try!) I could change.
For this reason, I sing her praises.
I am a gem. I say this often (along with "I'm golden", "I'm awesome" and other related affirmations). Why? Well, in part because I am proud of myself--the day-to-day work I put in to benefit my family and those that count on me. I know I am both respected and liked (by most) of my employees. Today, out of the blue, an employee extended his hand to me and said he wanted to thank me for making him better at his job. He had a great month, and thought to thank me for working with him. This reminds me of why I do what I do.
But, I have faults. I have fears. I have insecurities. And, when I am not careful, they can bleed over into my family life. It is important that I continue to establish boundaries between my professional life, and family life. As I often tell my wife, I can't fire my kids so I need to continue to work with and develop them....but if I could....I kid the children.
My wife is incredible. Anyone that knows Michelle knows that she is honest, passionate, devoted to her God and family; she works and plays hard. She is the most amazing woman I have ever known. I married her because I knew she was "the one." I remain married to her because I am in love with her more than the day I married her, and she is my constant motivation to be a better man...continue to make better choices.
My wife said something to me a few weeks ago, and she may have had one too many turkey burgers, but it was something to the effect of: People often think that I make you a better person; really, you make me a better woman, a better Michelle.
It's hard to explain how much these words mean to me, because as she said it to me, I can say the same thing to her. I think this is rare.
We have our disagreements. We have our issues. Most, we work through. Some, we continue to work through. We don't always agree on how we raise our kids, or decisions that each other makes. But, I know we respect each other. And, overall, vastly overall--we have common values that guide us. Most of all- we have love. Even in our darkest moment, or in the emotion of a....conversation...I respect her, I believe in her, and want to be with her. There is no where else I would rather be and no one else I would rather be with, than my wife.
Yes, we all have faults. But I truly had a difficult time creating a list of "negatives" because to me, she is who she is, and I love her for it. Her negatives, to me, are who she is. And, I love her...all of her, even the things I wish (and will continue to try!) I could change.
For this reason, I sing her praises.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
The Love Dare-Day Seven
For today's dare, get two sheets of paper. On the first one, spend a few minutes writing out positive things about your spouse. Then do the same with negative things on the second sheet. Place both sheets in a secret place for another day. There is a different purpose and plan for each. At some point during the remainder of today, pick a positive attribute from the first list and thank your spouse for having this characteristic.
"Love believes all things, hopes all things." -1 Corinthians 13:7
In the deep and private corridors of your heart, there is a room. It's called the Appreciation Room. It's where thoughts go when you encounter positive and encouraging things about your spouse. You probably spent a great deal of time in this room prior to your marriage but have found as the years have gone by you do not visits this room quite like you did before. Down another dark corridor of your heart lies the Depreciation Room, and unfortunately you visit there as well. This room is where you go when encounter hurtful words, bad habits and poor decisions from your spouse. If you spend too much time in this room you get depressed and even may start to think you married the wrong person. Spending time in this room kills marriages.
Love knows about the Depreciation Room and does not live in denial that it exists. But love chooses not to live there. Love chooses to believe the best of people. It gives them the benefit of the doubt. It refuses to fill in the unknowns with negative assumptions. And when our worst hopes are proven to be true, love makes every effort to deal with them and move forward. It's time to let love lead your thoughts and your focus.
Today's dare was not really challenging but a great lesson and reminder that as a wife I need to get out of the Depreciation Room more often. I am the type of person I have the ability to love and move on when something comes against me. However lately I have been struggling with this ability.
Sometimes I feel as a wife I am not heard. Not that my hubby doesn't listen to me but when we have an issue that is hard on me he wants to quickly move on and forget about it. Yet I have the need to share what impact the issue had on me as a person and our marriage. When I am not given this opportunity it can create a world of resentment and build up inside me that eats at me.
"Love knows about the Depreciation Room and does not live in denial that it exists."
This is something I need to focus more on and keep telling myself. Yes, I think it is important that we listen and hear each other during times of frustration but I also need to step back and remind myself feelings do not control me.
Love is patient.
Love is kind.
Love is not selfish.
Love is thoughtful.
Love is not rude.
Love is not irritable.
Love believes the best.
All the lessons of the past chapters remind me that Love leads to inner joy and when I prioritize my needs with the well being of my hubby than there is no room to sit it the Depreciation Room complaining about what I did not get.
Today, I am going to sit in the Appreciation Room and remind myself of all the good things my hubby does for me emotionally. If my mind starts to wonder on negative thoughts I am going to force myself to go back to the Appreciation Room and focus on the good in life. I have a great hubby. We know each other like the back of our hands. He knows me like no other has ever known me and I love him for that. He is a good man who struggles with his own demons but wants to do what is right for our marriage. Today I will focus on the good and not waste time on the bad. This will allow me to truly lead my heart to be more open and love my spouse even more and it's a decision only I can make.
This was a difficult exercise for me to complete, namely because it is difficult for me to think about things that are truly "negative" about my wife. She is a Godly woman, and while she is no Saint, I don't consider what some may call negative attributes, to be negative. Rather, it is who she is (and I love her for it).
My wife is selfless. She gives so much of herself to others. Sometimes, perhaps, too much. I think my biggest fear is that time is passing quickly. Some day, the kids won't be kids anymore. I want to make sure we as parents invest as much time and energy in them as possible, even if that means others get less time and energy.
That being said, the kids are loved and well-taken care of in every way. People often admire and comment at how loving and well-behaved they are. They are quick to smile and clearly enjoy life. This is not by accident. It is because they come from a family that is loving, open, but also very disciplined. We don't debate with our children. We tell them what we expect, why, and they know it had better get done. We are their parents above all else.
Michelle is a huge part of this. She sets the tone in the house. She runs the day-to-day affairs of the home, and ensures all is in place. I can get frustrated when I feel something that should have been done was not done. But all-in-all, she is on top of it and I love her for it.
I love my wife very much, and think of each day as another opportunity to develop as an individual and as man and wife.
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