"How good and pleasant it is when brothers (and sisters) live together in unity!" - Psalm 133:1
Marriage is glorious. And yes, sometimes marriage is difficult. Okay. A lot of the time it is difficult. For everyone. This doesn't necessarily mean we are blowing it. Partly, it simply means we are human beings. When John and I got married, we looked forward to years of intimacy and laughter and the joy of being husband and wife. Our expectations of ease and marital bliss were quickly.... not met. We were stunned. Most couples are. But, for heaven's sake, bringing together a man and a woman- two creatures who think, act, and feel so differently-- and asking them to get along for the rest of their lives under the same roof is like taking Cinderella and Huck Finn, tossing them in a submarine, and locking the hatch. What should we think will happen?
Actually, before you lock the hatch, toss in the constant experience of all our fears, our wounded hearts, our self-centeredness, our self-doubts, and our resolute commitments to self-protection. Good Lord, help us. Anyone looking for undeniable proof of the existence of God need look no further. The fact that any marriage makes it is a miracle of the first order. Bona fide proof that there are forces in the universe working on behalf of mankind.
Think of all those fairy tales about a boy and a girl who find themselves thrown together in a dangerous land, working together while each carries a tragic flaw that pricks the other. Those fairy tales have it right. The husband is that boy. The wife is that girl. And your life is the adventure through that dangerous land.
But gloriously, we all are on the road to becoming the man or the woman we are meant to be. To cooperate with God and yield to his desires for our lives is what speeds the process. None of us is perfect. In fact, many of our unique quirks are not so endearing! Though we share much in common with our spouses, we are so different from each other as well. Wonderfully, gloriously different.
Dear God,
I surrender my life to you again today. I want to be the person that you have created me to be. Please show me the areas in life that I need to repent of and be healed of. I want to change for the good. I choose to cooperate with you. Lord, I pray to see my life and my marriage the way you do. I don't want to just eke by in our marriage. I want all the life and joy and victory and oneness that's possible! In your name, Jesus, I pray. Amen
I am not one for Fairy Tales, I never was as a child either. I can enjoy a good love story but I am not one to get lost in the fantasy of love and living "happily ever after." With that being said I can see a shift in my marriage that is becoming more clear everyday.
Everyone knows how much I adore my hubby. Everyone knows what I would do for him and for us to keep moving forward into a stronger relationship. In times past I have proven that he has my undying love. For the first time in a long time I truly feel that we are doing just that... moving forward into a stronger relationship.
The author of this book is correct, marriages working are proof there are forces in the universe working on behalf of us helping us continue on our path and not only staying married but BEING married to one another. My hubby recently made a statement to me. He said, "Sometimes I wonder if because we are doing so well something is out there trying to keep us from having a successful marriage." This was like a light going on in my head because I have felt the same way many times over the years. I feel like not only is there a force helping us be stronger with one another but there is a force trying to prevent it too.
I am determined to show my hubby an unconditional love that honors and respects him and our marriage. I am determined to show forgiveness, peace and grace. I am determined to walk my walk with God and build my relationship with Him and share that relationship with my hubby. All things are possible when you allow God to guide you. I am determined to find our "happily ever after" that fulfills us both.
"I can do everything through Christ, who give me strength." -Philippians 4:13