I remember at the time being very envious of her because of how great she looked. Within a few weeks she was out buying new clothes and had this new found self confidence about her and in her marriage. At the time I was still struggling with what foods to eat and how to work hard enough to burn the fat layers I had from a life of being unhealthy. But I did not have the cool 25K to lay down for surgery and knew the only way I was going to even get close to her was to just work at it... and work I did.
Fast forward to today and my friend is more overweight than she was prior to her surgery. I on the other hand am not and have maintained my weight loss since I hit my goal weight in June of this last year. When I was speaking to my friend about her weight she said to me:
"I realized life is too short and I just want to live my life happy."
These words have haunted my thoughts since her and I spoke. What is she saying, that becuase I choose to continue to workout and live a healthy lifestyle I am not happy? Is she saying that she is happier than I am because she threw it all to the wind and eats and drinks whatever she wants and doesn't workout? Is she saying that she is going to live a longer life than I am because she does what she wants? This sort of statment has always made me step back and wonder about the person saying it.
Does everyone have to work out like I do? No.
Does everyone have to eat 90% of their food clean and organic? No.
Does everyone have to eat six small portions of food a day? No.
But I CHOOSE to... because this is the lifestyle I have choosen to live. Does that mean I am not happy, does it mean I am wasting my short life on spending too much time at the gym and thinking about what food I am going to fuel my body with.... NO! It means I told myself when I started this jounrey it would be a lifestyle change and that is what I have made it.
I love going to the gym. I enjoy eating clean and eating organic food. I feel better living my life like this and it does make me a happier person than when I was overweight and eating like crap. Is my lifestyle any better than anyone else??? No, but it is what I choose and it is what makes me happy.
So if you are one of those people who think.. you would rather live your life happy and eat whatever you want... GREAT! But don't downplay my choices just because they make you realize you COULD live the life I live too and be just as happy with a little more work.
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