Welcome to Mellie's mind...

Where thoughts can be funny, can race at all hours of the day and night and can sometimes not make any sense!

Enjoy the ride!

Friday, May 15, 2015

Days of Gratitude... Day nine!

Welcome to "Mellie's Days of Gratitude". The following days will hopefully help open your heart to the miracle of gratitude and the amazing changes that can happen when we become more grateful. Sharing this will also help me in many ways too. Life for me is about making a difference, helping someone and paying rent for my space while on this earth. Together we can support, love and honor each other while making small changes, bringing big results!

I hope you will join me!

Day 9: Small steps to find gratitude

I am learning for myself through this process finding things or situations to be more grateful for is also allowing myself to be happier, and more satisfied with everything going on around me. With all the stress, the disappointments and all the anxiety that can surround our lives I know for myself I ask in the midst of these hard times: 

“How exactly can I be more grateful with my life?”

Some days I find myself going through the motions of repetitive activities and boring tasks to get through my day. But being a mindless zombie can make us more likely to take things for granted. Instead of doing something just for the sake of doing it, I have been trying to actually make an effort to savor and enjoy the moment. 

Yesterday I had to attend a work meeting. I told myself I was going to go into the meeting not worrying about the time is was taking away from my tasks but rather appreciate the time that each person in the meeting put into for ME. I absorbed the meeting and was thankful for the time. 

I had plans to go to the gym, I had been looking forward to it all day. My workout partner got sick, my kids were tired and crying and wanted to stay home and I had came down with a splitting headache. Instead of getting upset with myself and the circumstances because I was not going to the gym I savored the moments with my kids instead. I even put myself to bed early and shut out all stress and anxiety. I allowed myself to care for my body and soul and gave forgiveness and thanks to my life.

I'm learning that feelings of gratitude is a direct manifestation of our environments. If we feel more driven, more passionate, and more alive, we are also bound to appreciate more, live more, and be more content.

Immerse your day and surroundings with quotes of gratitude. Meditate on thoughts of gratitude in your life. Hang sayings or pictures in your home and car so you are reminded of them at every turn.

In my bedroom I have to sayings on my wall. Each time I go into my room it's a habit for me to read both of them. I don't even think about it anymore it just happens. Subconsciously I am reminding myself of these two thoughts thus being grateful for the woman I am and what I bring to the world.

Make it a day of gratitude for YOU! 

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Days of Gratitude... Day eight!

Welcome to "Mellie's Days of Gratitude". The following days will hopefully help open your heart to the miracle of gratitude and the amazing changes that can happen when we become more grateful. Sharing this will also help me in many ways too. Life for me is about making a difference, helping someone and paying rent for my space while on this earth. Together we can support, love and honor each other while making small changes, bringing big results!

I hope you will join me!

Day 8: Sharing your gratitude with others

Today’s challenge is all about spreading gratitude. There is an old saying, you get more of what you GIVE away... this is so true in all case and especially with gratitude.

Today I was contacted by a friend via text who shared with me how "Mellie's Days of Gratitude" inspired her and her family to make one small change in gift giving to help a family member out in need. She expressed to me how thankful she is for her health and the ability to help this family member as well as being thankful for the reminders in these posts. She went on to say it is helping her with her small children as well. Together they read what Mommy is grateful for and now the kids are going to be making their own list of gratitude.


This communication this morning inspires our challenge for the day and how we can spread the word to even more people around us. We can always find gratitude and it only takes a few small things to share it.

Here are a couple quick tips:

Share with your friends on Facebook or twitter what you are most thankful for today and ask them to share what they are most thankful for. The best part is if this is what you choose to do, you can just click on this post below and share it on your page or on the page of someone who might be struggling.... simple!

Sharing gratitude, like a smile, can become infectious. The more you share it the more it comes back to you!!

You could also send out a group text (most of you know how much I LOVE those and use with my people I am trying to help with getting healthy) stating what you are most grateful for and ask your friends what they are most grateful for today.

Reach out to friends, families and co-workers and let them know what you are grateful for and ask them to respond. It can open doors, minds and hearts and really have an impact on someone out there who may need it today!

Lets spread some gratitude.

I'll go first- Today I am grateful for the opportunities I am given to chase my dreams both by God, the support of my family and friends and am forever grateful to have been born in a country that gives me these rights!

What are you grateful for today and how many people can you ask today?

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Days of Gratitude... Day seven!

Welcome to "Mellie's Days of Gratitude". The following days will hopefully help open your heart to the miracle of gratitude and the amazing changes that can happen when we become more grateful. Sharing this will also help me in many ways too. Life for me is about making a difference, helping someone and paying rent for my space while on this earth. Together we can support, love and honor each other while making small changes, bringing big results!
I hope you will join me!

Day 7: New Beginnings

I am a firm believer in everyday is a new opportunity to have a new beginning at your life.  The past is the past and today is the day.  You have new goals each and every morning when you wake up, regardless if they are big or small.  You have a new opportunity to be a better version of yourself than the day before.  You have a new chance on being even more happy or making others more happy in your day.  I lay my head down and night and say my prayers, ask for forgiveness for any wrong doings and ask for new strength and guidance in the dawn of the new day.

I'm grateful for this because I am able to grow and develop more each day. Today offers new insights and possibilities to try again.

Today is YOUR new day, make the most of it!


Days of Gratitude... Day six!

Welcome to "Mellie's Days of Gratitude". The following days will hopefully help open your heart to the miracle of gratitude and the amazing changes that can happen when we become more grateful. Sharing this will also help me in many ways too. Life for me is about making a difference, helping someone and paying rent for my space while on this earth. Together we can support, love and honor each other while making small changes, bringing big results!

I hope you will join me!

Day 6: Gratitude and Grace.

Today I want to talk about gratitude and grace. Grace is a disposition to be generous or helpful to others in this case.

When the feelings of gratitude and grace combine something remarkable happens. You get out of yourself and start putting your energy into others. Why is this important?

When we take a step away from ourselves or we stop internalizing everything we do or that is done to us we begin to be free. What I mean is we stop worrying, stop obsessing and stop fearing about or world and we start living.

Being in a state of gratitude and or a state of grace in itself is a place of calm and gentleness. A place in which we are wrapped in a blanket of Gods love and can be the start of something beautiful in your life.

I write about this today because I feel I am most in need of both grace and gratitude. So my challenge to you and to myself for the rest of today and the rest of the week is to be in awe of God's grace for us and to feel grace in our own world to share that grace with those around us and to be grateful in doing so.

Days of Gratitude... Day five!

Welcome to "Mellie's Days of Gratitude". The following days will hopefully help open your heart to the miracle of gratitude and the amazing changes that can happen when we become more grateful. Sharing this will also help me in many ways too. Life for me is about making a difference, helping someone and paying rent for my space while on this earth. Together we can support, love and honor each other while making small changes, bringing big results!

I hope you will join me!

Day Five: For the past 5 years I have been helping people get healthy. I help them with food, workouts, self esteem and mentally changing who they are. Some are successful and some walk away because THEY are not ready for the change in themselves. 

Day 5 of gratitude is about our self love. List 5 things you LIKE about YOU! Not what people say about you but how you feel about yourself. 5 positive attributes about your body, your personality or your life. (There is no right or wrong ~ this is for you)

So many times I hear people tell me how they hate things about themselves, no worries I am guilty too. So many times I hear them list all the things they want to change, all the things they hate seeing in the mirror or all the things they hate about their feelings. This is perfectly normal but if we only focus only what we do not like we are going against the ability to REALLY change.
It was a cold morning when I decided many years ago I was going to change something about myself to improve on my relationship at the time. I was only sitting in negativity beating myself up over what was wrong, so I decided that day I would only think positive about the situation. Things really took a turn and began to improve for me.

We all want to be better, we all have things we are currently working on to improve and we all want to change things about our bodies. But we have to learn to love ourselves first, REALLY love yourself, and this is when change really happens.

List the 5 things you like, hang them up next to your gratitude list from day one and read that list daily. Remind yourself of all the good things about yourself and really learn to love who you are and the body you are in.

Feel free to share your list here if you would like.

Make it a great day!

Days of Gratitude... Day four!

Welcome to "Mellie's Days of Gratitude". The following days will hopefully help open your heart to the miracle of gratitude and the amazing changes that can happen when we become more grateful. Sharing this will also help me in many ways too. Life for me is about making a difference, helping someone and paying rent for my space while on this earth. Together we can support, love and honor each other while making small changes, bringing big results!
I hope you will join me!

Day FOUR: Today I just want us to remember to find gratitude in hidden little places. Not all days show us gratitude in an easy noticeable way. Some days, honestly, I don't feel grateful at all I can struggle just to get through my day with all it's challenges and emotions.

These days are the days when we all need to seek out gratitude the most, by looking around at the little things. When you have a day you don't feel like getting out of bed or those days when you wish we had never gotten out of bed... these are the days gratitude can become a very compelling tool that can make a great impact on our overall well being. It's such a cliche to say but start with the fact that you were ABLE to get out of bed. Find the silver lining in your hard day knowing you were allowed another day with your family and friends. Be thankful for your health, even if you deal with chronic pain or a disease....you're still here and fighting. If dealing with troubles in relationships, be thankful for new beginnings or try and focus on the good memories to allow yourself peace and grace towards the other person.

Gratitude does not have to appear on a billboard, it doesn't need to be a life changing moment... sometimes it can be quiet thought in our heads to help us remember to be grateful for SOMETHING and to continue to seek out even more little things throughout our day.

Today I am grateful that I woke up. I am grateful I was able to get my littles motivated and moving and off to school on time in a calm and loving way (we were REALLY late this morning) and I am grateful for the laughs in the car on the way to school. Most of all I am grateful for those little tax deductions because THEY are the reason I work so hard, I push myself and thrive to be better and ultimately they are the reward for MY life.

Find your gratitude today and feel free to share with anyone and everyone what it is..so that YOU too can help someone else find theirs!

Days of Gratitude... Day three!

Welcome to "Mellie's Days of Gratitude". The following days will hopefully help open your heart to the miracle of gratitude and the amazing changes that can happen when we become more grateful. Sharing this will also help me in many ways too. Life for me is about making a difference, helping someone and paying rent for my space while on this earth. Together we can support, love and honor each other while making small changes, bringing big results!

I hope you will join me!

Day THREE: Re-read your list (out loud) of your 10 things you are grateful for that was created on day 2. THEN Say, text, email or hand write a heartfelt THANK YOU to someone important in your life- regardless if they are a part of your past or current life!

Days of Gratitude... Day two!

Welcome to "Mellie's Days of Gratitude". The following days will hopefully help open your heart to the miracle of gratitude and the amazing changes that can happen when we become more grateful. Sharing this will also help me in many ways too. Life for me is about making a difference, helping someone and paying rent for my space while on this earth. Together we can support, love and honor each other while making small changes, bringing big results!
I hope you will join me!

Day two: Make a list of 10 things YOU are grateful for and HANG that list next to your computer, on your fridge, in your room, on a mirror or wherever you will see it almost everyday and where OTHERS may see it to!

Days of Gratitude... Day one!

Welcome to "Mellie's Days of Gratitude". The following days will hopefully help open your heart to the miracle of gratitude and the amazing changes that can happen when we become more grateful. Sharing this will also help me in many ways too. Life for me is about making a difference, helping someone and paying rent for my space while on this earth. Together we can support, love and honor each other while making small changes, bringing big results!
I hope you will join me!

Day one: Repeat one thing, ten times, that you're grateful for TODAY!

"I am grateful for open talks that bring peace to my heart."~ Mellie