Welcome to Mellie's mind...

Where thoughts can be funny, can race at all hours of the day and night and can sometimes not make any sense!

Enjoy the ride!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Days of Gratitude... Day eight!

Welcome to "Mellie's Days of Gratitude". The following days will hopefully help open your heart to the miracle of gratitude and the amazing changes that can happen when we become more grateful. Sharing this will also help me in many ways too. Life for me is about making a difference, helping someone and paying rent for my space while on this earth. Together we can support, love and honor each other while making small changes, bringing big results!

I hope you will join me!

Day 8: Sharing your gratitude with others

Today’s challenge is all about spreading gratitude. There is an old saying, you get more of what you GIVE away... this is so true in all case and especially with gratitude.

Today I was contacted by a friend via text who shared with me how "Mellie's Days of Gratitude" inspired her and her family to make one small change in gift giving to help a family member out in need. She expressed to me how thankful she is for her health and the ability to help this family member as well as being thankful for the reminders in these posts. She went on to say it is helping her with her small children as well. Together they read what Mommy is grateful for and now the kids are going to be making their own list of gratitude.


This communication this morning inspires our challenge for the day and how we can spread the word to even more people around us. We can always find gratitude and it only takes a few small things to share it.

Here are a couple quick tips:

Share with your friends on Facebook or twitter what you are most thankful for today and ask them to share what they are most thankful for. The best part is if this is what you choose to do, you can just click on this post below and share it on your page or on the page of someone who might be struggling.... simple!

Sharing gratitude, like a smile, can become infectious. The more you share it the more it comes back to you!!

You could also send out a group text (most of you know how much I LOVE those and use with my people I am trying to help with getting healthy) stating what you are most grateful for and ask your friends what they are most grateful for today.

Reach out to friends, families and co-workers and let them know what you are grateful for and ask them to respond. It can open doors, minds and hearts and really have an impact on someone out there who may need it today!

Lets spread some gratitude.

I'll go first- Today I am grateful for the opportunities I am given to chase my dreams both by God, the support of my family and friends and am forever grateful to have been born in a country that gives me these rights!

What are you grateful for today and how many people can you ask today?

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