Welcome to Mellie's mind...

Where thoughts can be funny, can race at all hours of the day and night and can sometimes not make any sense!

Enjoy the ride!

Monday, July 21, 2014

WOD- July 21, 2014

Today's workout:

Barbell Curls:
25 lbs x 10 - 2 sets to warm up
45 lbs X 10 - 3 sets

Seated Hammer Curls:
12.5lbs X's 10- 4 sets each arm

Triceps Dip Machine:
150lbs X's 15 - 3 sets

Triceps Rope Push Downs:
50lbs X's 10 -2 sets
60lbs X's 10- 2 sets
30lbs X's 10-2 sets

Cable EZ Bar Bicep Curl:
45lbs X's 10 -2 sets
50lbs X's 10-2 sets
30lbs X's  till failure

Wide Grip Bicep Curls
30lbs X's 10 -2 sets
40lbs X's 10-2 sets
20lbs X's till failure

Followed my a 3 mile run AFTER dinner.
The Wide Grip Biceps Curl works your biceps from a different angle than the traditional biceps curl and is great to add to your routine or alternate with the traditional curl. The wider grip targets the lateral or outer portion of the muscle.
Repeat this movement for as many repetitions as you can until failure.
Remember to always use a spotter when performing this and almost every other free weight exercise!

How to perform The Wide Grip Biceps Curl Exercise:

  • Grab a workout bar with an underhand grip, your hands as far apart as comfortable.
  • Hold the bar down at arm's length in front of you.
  • Bend at the elbows and curl the bar as high as you can without moving your elbows forward or back.
  • Pause, then slowly lower the bar.
- See more at: http://www.fitnessandfreebies.com/exercise/exercises/wide_grip_biceps_curl.html#sthash.k3MF1BF4.dpuf
The Wide Grip Biceps Curl works your biceps from a different angle than the traditional biceps curl and is great to add to your routine or alternate with the traditional curl. The wider grip targets the lateral or outer portion of the muscle.
Repeat this movement for as many repetitions as you can until failure.
Remember to always use a spotter when performing this and almost every other free weight exercise!

How to perform The Wide Grip Biceps Curl Exercise:

  • Grab a workout bar with an underhand grip, your hands as far apart as comfortable.
  • Hold the bar down at arm's length in front of you.
  • Bend at the elbows and curl the bar as high as you can without moving your elbows forward or back.
  • Pause, then slowly lower the bar.
- See more at: http://www.fitnessandfreebies.com/exercise/exercises/wide_grip_biceps_curl.html#sthash.k3MF1BF4.dpuf
The Wide Grip Biceps Curl works your biceps from a different angle than the traditional biceps curl and is great to add to your routine or alternate with the traditional curl. The wider grip targets the lateral or outer portion of the muscle.
Repeat this movement for as many repetitions as you can until failure.
Remember to always use a spotter when performing this and almost every other free weight exercise!

How to perform The Wide Grip Biceps Curl Exercise:

  • Grab a workout bar with an underhand grip, your hands as far apart as comfortable.
  • Hold the bar down at arm's length in front of you.
  • Bend at the elbows and curl the bar as high as you can without moving your elbows forward or back.
  • Pause, then slowly lower the bar.
- See more at: http://www.fitnessandfreebies.com/exercise/exercises/wide_grip_biceps_curl.html#sthash.k3MF1BF4.dpuf

Water, water, water, water....

This week I want to talk about the basics of getting healthy.  P

People who tend to live a healthy lifestyle and/ or are educated in fitness and nutrition tend to leave out the most basic facts about getting healthy, because they think it will be a "given" to their friends or clients.  But as a formally fat person (FFP!),  I know these are lessons that not only need to be shared but practiced as one begins to transform their bodies and lives.

Today that one fact is going to be about water, and your daily intake of it.

Here are some facts about our bodies:
  • Our muscles are 75% water
  • Our brain- 90% water
  • Our blood- 83% water
  • Our bones - 22% water.
This demonstrates how much and important water is to our daily lives.  Most of us grew up being told to drink water to stay hydrated and to keep our skin clear, but in no time in my life was it stressed how important water was to our body as a whole (maybe in health education but I slept through most of that class).

As a whole, our society needs to lose weight.  No matter where you are in your journey of getting healthy, I think it is be safe to assume you have at a least a few unwanted pounds that you would like to loose.

Here is a news flash:  Water helps you lose weight!  Yep. Water.

Water acts as an appetite suppressant, it has zero calories, it aids in the flushing of toxins in your body and when you drink enough water your body learns that it no longer needs to retain water because you are providing it more than enough.  Let me say that again..... When you drink enough water your body LEARNS that it no longer needs to retain water because you are providing it more than enough.  

You will hear me say this statement a lot as we talk about getting healthy:  "Your body learns."

There are MANY benefits to drinking water.  Better skin, helps prevent infections and other health problems.  Water makes your brain work better and drinking water generally means you will be in better general health.   Muscle and joints can become stronger and water assists in carrying oxygen to the muscles.

Water is vital for keeping your system clean.  It helps with detoxification and assists the bile acids in flushing your system.  It can help boost your metabolism by as much as 30%.  Water will also help with cravings.  Simple cravings for salt and sugar can be a sign of simple dehydration, not a cry from your body for good.

So how much water should one consume in a day?  You can line up 100 professional and ask them this question and you will get 100 different answers. But with my experience, my education, and lessons learned as a FFP, I consistently suggest to people 5 liters of water per day.  This equals out to be 169 ounces of water per day.  Now before you close down my blog and think I am crazy hear me on this.

No, you do not want to sit down and drink 5 liters of water in a short period of time.  But yes, drinking 5 liters of water a day is not only beneficial to your health, the function of your body but it also will aid in that weight loss.  Many people ask me, does this include the water in my protein shakes, coffee, soda or vodkas waters or those pretty and expensive Vitamin waters?  The answer is NO.  You should consume 5 liters of pure water each and every day.

I will try not to go off on a rant about Vitamin Waters, but please people save your money and your bodies!!!  In my opinion this is the last kind of water you want to consumer.  If you look at the ingredients the second ingredient in those handy and cute little Vitamin waters is crystalline fructose. That’s a fancy word for high-fructose corn syrup, pretty much the worst legal thing you can put in your body. There’s a ton of it in the bottle: about 32 grams and 125 calories. It’s basically no different as drinking a can of coke, except that it doesn’t taste as good.  In addition it is made with distilled water. There’s a lot of controversy surrounding whether or not distilled water is good or bad for you.  I know I do not want to put anything in my body that is surrounded by controversy. One fact you may not know about distilled water is it  is stripped of its minerals (“soft”) it will attract vitamins and minerals from your body and you will expel them. That would mean vitamin water actually takes nutrients from you.  And finally, there aren’t that many vitamins in it. Way less than in a glass of orange juice. 

Coke, the maker of Vitamin Water is being sued for it's health and marketing claims of the product.  A federal judge ruled that Vitamin water will not, as its labels promise, keep you “healthy as a horse.” Nor will it bring about a “healthy state of physical or mental being”. Instead, Vitamin water is really just a sugary snack food; non-carbonated fruit coke disguised as a sports drink. Because it’s composed mostly of sugar and not vitamin-laden water, judge John Gleeson held that Vitamin water’s absurd marketing claims were likely to mislead.
Coke's defense of its vitamin water marketing quickly became a national laughing stock after it claimed, in 2010, that "no reasonable consumer could reasonably be misled into thinking vitamin water was a healthy beverage."  A federal judge denied Coca-Cola's motion.

So even though it looks good, it has a bunch of pretty colors  stay away from the flavored and vitamin waters!

Along with telling the people I help to get their 5 liters in a day I advise them to add lemon juice to 2 liters of the 5 they are going to be drinking.  You want to add enough lemon juice to the water so it appears cloudy. Now, I am a busy mom of 5 so I do not have time to fresh squeeze my lemon juice.  I do however purchase lemon juice from Whole Foods that is organic, and this is the brand I suggest to those who I help.

Why lemon juice in the water?

Losing weight is nearly impossible without an effective digestive system. Poor digestion leads to the reduced nutrient absorption and retained toxin levels. Both can slow metabolism and make weight loss tougher.

Starting your morning with a glass of warm (or cold) lemon water introduces a healthy natural digestive aid into your stomach. The citric acid interacts with other acids and enzymes in your stomach to jump start your day of problem-free digestion.

Lemons improve your digestive system by reducing symptoms of heartburn and bloating. It even stimulates the liver by dissolving uric acid. Calcium builds bone density and potassium helps the brain and nerves cells function – two more reasons lemons are smart food.

Lemon zest can aid weight loss because the zest contains pectin, which is a soluble, dietary fiber that can lower LDL cholesterol levels and prevent spikes in blood sugar. The Journal of the American College of Nutrition concluded that, after eating pectin, hunger levels are reduced for four hours.

An average lemon weighs 100 grams. Of that, more than 90 grams is water. The rest is 8.63 grams of carbohydrates, .4 grams of protein and .4 grams of fiber. There is neither fat nor cholesterol, but, there are 13 important vitamins. So, for a fruit that is almost all water, what’s in there that’s so good for fitness and health? The answer is citric acid.

Drinking water with lemon juice will activate the burning off of stored fat in your body.  Water with lemon juice is a bile thinner, helping bile process fat better.  The lemon juice assists the water with detoxing your body as well and flushing out the toxins.  In addition the lemon juice makes you thirsty and thus allowing you to WANT to curb that thirst with MORE water.

Now most people will scuff at me when I tell them the amount of water they need to drink.  I will get a list of excuses, false myths about consumption of that much water and reasons they can not possibly drink that much in one day.  But what I have found over the years is that each and every person I have helped is able to not only manage getting the water consumed but will drink even more as they progress in their journey.

People are full of excuses.  They will come up with reason after reason as to why they can not drink this much water and the most common is that they can not go to the bathroom that much.  But again, I say to you that your body will learn and you will adjust and your bladder will adjust as well.

The choice is yours to make but if you are starting a new journey, this is the first step I would encourage you to take long before workouts and dietary changes.

With my friends and clients I will make it a competition/accountability event during the day.  I will have a group of people who I have in group text that will text the group for every liter they consume.  This not only keeps you accountable it also keeps everyone else motivated.  Grab some friends and give it a try! 

If you would like to join in on water motivational challenges feel free to request to join my Monthly Challenge Facebook page.  This is a Facebook page dedicated to getting healthy, building relationships with others who have similar if not the same goals as you.  https://www.facebook.com/groups/283984468364052/

Live the best life you can live..... TODAY!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

The results are in.......

In December of 2009 I made one of the biggest decisions ever in my life at the time.  I decided I was going to stop making excuses and I was going to get myself into shape.  My youngest daughter, Elianna, was just under two years old when I told myself it was time to make some serious changes in my life in regards to the way I lived.  I was disgusted with the person I had became and the vision I would see in the mirror and knew if I did not do something about it now it would forever affect my life and the life of my family.  This was me then.

As many of you who know me personally and have followed my journey and participated in my journey, you know I given it all I had.  I worked out, I learned how to eat properly, I educated myself in fitness and nutrition and I transformed myself into the woman I am today~physically and mentally.  I was in the fight of my life, fighting to change myself and fighting to save my life as I knew it.  What I did not realize is that was the understatement of the century.

As I have blogged about before, my neurologist who diagnosed me with MS in October 2013,  says I have had MS not only undiagnosed but untreated since AT LEAST when my son Reuben was born 7 years ago. Due to the complications at Reuben's birth, with my own health, I had an MRI done at the time that my neurologist was able to compare with the MRI in October of last year being able to say with 100% confidence I have MS.  Most people do not have past MRI's to use as baselines so I was lucky in this area.

My doctor, who is the head of the neurology department and is a recognized specialist in MS, explained to me that the first 10 years of MS predicts how aggressive the disease will be in each person. If the MS can be kept in check for 10 years, it tends to wane and even hibernate. He kept telling me how good my prognosis was based on the fact that after having the disease already for at least 10 years and nothing to treat to it other than my spirit, diet, and exercise, that NOW with that plus medicine--I would be 99% good. He even wrote that in his notes and showed me as an expression of confidence.

Still, it was very scary and these past 8 months, waiting for my next MRI,  felt like a lifetime.

As I learned more and more about my disease and as my hubby did research on MS it became apparent to us both how important diet and exercise is to a person with MS. No matter what type of MS a person has or what stage they are at it comes down to being able to assist in managing your symptoms and your flare ups with nutrition and movement.

I believe things happen for a reason.  I believe God has a plan for all of us.  I believe that actions create consequences and everything we do is to be answered for in one way or another.  In all areas of my life and in all factors of my being I believe this to be true.

I do not think when I decided to finally put down the processed foods and junk and start living the life I was meant to live was it was by accident.  I do not believe that when I told myself I would learn how to properly fuel my body with healthy and organic food it was by accident.  I do not believe that when I put myself first above everything else, besides my family, it was by accident.  I was in the fight of my life and this was my Soul saving my body from not only being unhealthy but having a disease that could at it's worse put me in a wheelchair the rest of my life.  Getting healthy not only changed my bodies appearance I truly believe it saved my undiagnosed MS from being worse than it is.

I take a daily injection for my MS called Copaxone.  The medial description of this drug as described on the National Multiple Sclerosis website:  http://www.nationalmssociety.org/Treating-MS/Medications/Copaxone

"Glatiramer acetate is a synthetic protein that simulates myelin basic protein, a component of the myelin that insulates nerve fibers in the brain and spinal cord. This drug seems to block myelin-damaging T-cells through a mechanism that is not completely understood. In controlled clinical trials with relapsing-remitting MS, those taking the glatiramer acetate had a significant reduction in annual relapse rate and a reduction in new lesions as shown on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), when compared to control subjects who were given a placebo.  Glatiramer acetate is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to reduce the frequency of relapses in patients with relapsing-remitting MS. It is also approved for use in individuals who have experienced a first clinical episode (clinically-isolated syndrome) and have MRI features that are consistent with multiple sclerosis."

Copaxone takes six months to fully take affect in the body allowing the MS to attack they synthetic protein vs. the real myelin of the brain.  During the first six months I received monthly IV treatments of steroids to help reduce the possible damage the MS could be having on my brain while the Copaxone builds up in my system allowing it to help fight the MS.

This last Tuesday I went in to have an MRI done to see if there were any new lesions on my brain from the MS, active or not.  This MRI would also be used as my NEW baseline to re-check to see if the Copaxone is doing it's job fighting the MS in my body or if other avenues will need to be attempted.

I received this email from my Neurologist:

From:Greg R. Zarelli, MD


I am sorry for taking so long to get back to you but I have been swamped. In any case, I have GOOD news about the MRI done 7/15/14. It was compared to the prior scan done 9/27/13 and was unchanged. No new or enhancing lesions were seen. See the report below:

Multiple T2 hyper-intense lesions in the supranational white matter. Previously seen acute lesion in the left posterior frontal lobe has decreased in size. The other lesions are unchanged. No associated enhancement or diffusion restriction. No new lesions seen."

So this is your new baseline MRI. Enjoy the weekend! This is GREAT news!

"No new or enhancing lesions." "Has decreased in size."

I am beyond happy and was moved to tears with these results.  So even though the medication meant to assist in the fight against MS and help prevent new damage has NOT fully taken affect in my body ONE of my current lesions decreased in size and I have NO NEW LESIONS.  Does this mean I was lucky?  Does this mean my MS is not as bad as others?  Does this mean it's by chance I do not have more damage in my brain?  No. I believe, 180%,  this is because I refuse to be sick.  I did not allow my diagnosis to prevent me from taking care of myself.  I attribute this to diet and exercise.  I attribute this to my will to survive.  I attribute this to God's plan for ME not to be a victim and lie down and allow this disease to consume me physically or mentally.  I attribute this to ME.  This is the best news I have heard in a long time and I am on cloud nine.

This not only motivates me to continue on my path to stay healthy but pushes me to be vocal once again about my journey in hopes to not only share with those who follow me but motivate others to get their lives in a more balanced and healthy state.   

Our society is filled with fast food, processed foods, over weight adults and now obese children.  We are sicker than our parents and grandparents before us and we are either suffering from diseases or dying at young ages.  I believe I was spared a horrific future because I changed my life.  It's my hope that as I become vocal again about my lifestyle that others will change theirs with me and be spared too.  

When I shared my good news with my eldest son, Michael, his response to me was:  "That is awesome Mom, I am so happy for you."  He also said, "You are not the type of person who has time to be sick or the patience to be sick, you too strong."

When I shared my good new with Joseph his response to me was:  "I am so happy and proud of you.  I KNEW you would be okay.  This was not your destiny."

When I shared my good news with my friend Carmen her response to me was:  "This is beyond great news!  Awe Mellie... my cup runneth over for you.  I am so stinking happy for you and your family!  All your hard work and dedication is working!"  

We will NEVER know what each day will bring and we will never know our future.  But we can make the choice to live the best possible life we can live.... TODAY!

Friday, July 18, 2014

I am.......

I have a girlfriend who I am very close with, she knows more about me than most other people do.  She has seen me at my weakest, strongest, ugliest and at my best.  She is never judgmental and is always supportive.  She is very wise when she gives me encouragement and advice.  I truly love this woman and all that she gives to me and I try and do the same for her at any given moment.

The one thing she can not give me, however, is understanding of being worthy.

Just like me she can have issues in her life, marriage and career.  I try and support and counsel her on these areas when she is in need, just as she does for me. When she is low I try and pick her up, when she is high I celebrate with her, when she is alone I try and remind her she will never be alone.  But the one thing I can not give her either is the understanding of HER being worthy.

Why is so so difficult to understand our own self worth?  What happened in our lives that makes us think, deep down in the darkness of our feelings, we do not deserve to feel a certain way or take a certain path in our lives?  Why are we so quick to put ourselves down and tell ourselves, in maybe different ways, that we are not worthy?

My I am.... card today:

When I pulled this card out of my little bag this morning my first thought was I wasn't  worthy and I felt sad.  But why is that?  Why do I tell myself that?  Is it because I grew up in an unstable family that was emotionally and physically hard?  Was it because I allowed myself to be in relationships where people, friends included, can just take from me what they need and want and then walk away as if I was nothing to them at all?  Is it because I have been in failed romantic relationships that I did not walk away from until it go so bad there was nothing left of ME?  Is it because I did not grow up with a father and have always felt not good enough, even after I located him and told him about myself?  Could it be these circumstances?


I would say these are good reasons to not feel worthy about myself.  As I am sure THOUSANDS of other people have their own trials and tribulations that make them feel not worthy.

So the question is now this..... how do I change this?  Because as I sit here and type this blog I KNOW I am worthy.  Not only am I worthy because I am a child of God, I am worthy because....... I just am.

I have every chance in this world as other people do.  I may have had a rough childhood and have had some tough times in my life but it has gotten me to this point and I am still here and I am still going.  I just need to remind myself that I am worthy and live each day or every moment having that in the forefront of my mind.  I will not be put off to the side, I will not be treated poorly, I will not be taken advantage of and I will not live in the darkness of thinking because of other people's decisions THEY make equates me to not being worthy.

I have done things to myself to allow me to get to this point.  I have allowed my own limited vision of myself enable me to be overwhelmed and hold myself back from reaching my goals or trying.  I have allowed my own dark feelings to prevent me from seeing the good in life.  I have focused too much time on what I don't have or what I have lost and failed to allow myself to celebrate who I am today.  

I am a strong woman.  I am loyal.  I am smart.  I am funny and I have the ability to help motivate and encourage others.

I am..... worthy!

This card is NOT going back into the bag.  I have placed the card on my computer, in addition it's now one of my screen savers on my phone. I want to be reminded everyday, at different times of the day, just how worthy I am.

I believe in myself and I will continue to believe in myself and keep that mindset until I achieve what I have set out to achieve!

What are you not feeling worthy about and what are some actions you can take to improve this?  We are all worthy and it is up to US to make ourselves feel that way!


Wednesday, July 16, 2014

A letter to my Youngest son....

Oh how the years go by,
Oh how time can certainly fly.
From once just a thought in far away dreams,
now into my arms and in my eyes gleam
the presence of you.
Your laughter and smiles
which go on for miles,
warms my heart and soul.
You're growing up so fast,
as I wish each moment with you to last forever.
My little boy will someday be a man
and right by your side I will forever stand.
I will pick up the pieces when you fall,
I will hold your hand and help you stand tall.
And when the day comes when you are on your own,
never feel that you are alone.
No matter how near or far apart
I am always right there in your heart.
Always remember whatever you go through
that no matter what, I will always love you.
Amy R. Campbell
My little Rups,

Over the past seven years, I have quietly watched you grow into the little boy that stands before me today.  You are kind, generous with not only your possessions but your love too. I do not think there is one mean bone in your body, because everyday you are all about making everyone feel good and happy. You are loved by all who meet you; you are adored by your siblings.

I will never forget the day your dad and I found out we were having a boy, I was so tickled to not only be able to help carry on the Galvan name, but I was honored that God had blessed me with yet another son.  You came into this world much too early weighing just over 4lbs..  You were born at 29 weeks, you were so little and fragile.  The hardest thing for us was to not be able to take you home from the hospital right away.  You were fed through a tube in your nose and trying to get you to eat just a few ounces of milk could take up to a 1/2 hour.  Other than being born early you were perfect.  You had the most beautiful skin and the littlest fingers and toes.  Every nurse in the NIC unit fell in love with you.  There was not one day where I would walk into that NIC unit and someone was not holding you.  Even at a few weeks old you were impacting the lives of others.

You are so smart, witty and you make your family laugh each and every day. The love you share with all of us is like no other.  Reuben, God gave me the most precious gift when he honored me with you.  I do not take being your mother lightly because I know you have great things ahead of you and you are going to make a huge impact on this world.  Your ability to turn a bad day into a great day by just the warmth of your hug is amazing.  Your caring personality shines in your eyes and draws others to you.  

As your mother, there is no sweeter sound than to hear you yell out "Mommy" when one of us comes home after not seeing each other that day.  Your sweet little voice and warm embrace is so special to me and I plan to carry those with me till the end of my days.

I love how outgoing you are and how you are so ready to care for anyone who needs it.  You have the ability to touch people and to help them and as you grow, I hope to continue to assist in you developing that trait.  You have the world at your finger tips, it's yours to take and I know you are going to do something great with it.

You are fearless too son.  Just this last school year there was a boy, known in the school as the tallest 3rd grader in school, who was picking on your sister Gabriella.  After hearing the story of how he was not being nice to YOUR sister, you took it upon yourself to confront the boy in the boys bathroom by yourself. You educate him on how he better leave his sister alone or be nice to her.  You told him Jesus would not be happy with the way he was acting and it needed to stop.  That boy never bothered your sister again.  No matter how old you, you have always cared and protected your siblings.  You truly have a heart of gold.

Today we celebrate your 7th birthday on this Earth and we celebrate the little man that you are.  Your family loves you very much Reuben and our lives would not be complete without you in it!

Happy Birthday Son!

~Love Mommy.

P.S. There is a "family secret" in our household that only two of the five kids were planned.  YOU were one of them son!  (smile)


Some of my favorite Reuben quotes:

Reuben talking to Gabriella:
Gabriella:  "Reuben, lets have a garage sale and sell all our toys!"
Reuben:  "Gabriella your CRAZY, I love ALL my toys!"

Reuben talking to Gabriella:
R- "I wonder when we are going to grow a new baby?" 
G- "What?  We aren't." 
R- "Yes, Mommy can grow us a new one, we just have to ask." 

Reuben and daddy were playing at dinner one night: 
D- "Reuben you better get that look off your face or I am going to fix you!"
R-"Don't fix me, I am not a toy I am Reuben!"