Welcome to Mellie's mind...

Where thoughts can be funny, can race at all hours of the day and night and can sometimes not make any sense!

Enjoy the ride!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Days of Gratitude... Day five!

Welcome to "Mellie's Days of Gratitude". The following days will hopefully help open your heart to the miracle of gratitude and the amazing changes that can happen when we become more grateful. Sharing this will also help me in many ways too. Life for me is about making a difference, helping someone and paying rent for my space while on this earth. Together we can support, love and honor each other while making small changes, bringing big results!

I hope you will join me!

Day Five: For the past 5 years I have been helping people get healthy. I help them with food, workouts, self esteem and mentally changing who they are. Some are successful and some walk away because THEY are not ready for the change in themselves. 

Day 5 of gratitude is about our self love. List 5 things you LIKE about YOU! Not what people say about you but how you feel about yourself. 5 positive attributes about your body, your personality or your life. (There is no right or wrong ~ this is for you)

So many times I hear people tell me how they hate things about themselves, no worries I am guilty too. So many times I hear them list all the things they want to change, all the things they hate seeing in the mirror or all the things they hate about their feelings. This is perfectly normal but if we only focus only what we do not like we are going against the ability to REALLY change.
It was a cold morning when I decided many years ago I was going to change something about myself to improve on my relationship at the time. I was only sitting in negativity beating myself up over what was wrong, so I decided that day I would only think positive about the situation. Things really took a turn and began to improve for me.

We all want to be better, we all have things we are currently working on to improve and we all want to change things about our bodies. But we have to learn to love ourselves first, REALLY love yourself, and this is when change really happens.

List the 5 things you like, hang them up next to your gratitude list from day one and read that list daily. Remind yourself of all the good things about yourself and really learn to love who you are and the body you are in.

Feel free to share your list here if you would like.

Make it a great day!

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