Welcome to Mellie's mind...

Where thoughts can be funny, can race at all hours of the day and night and can sometimes not make any sense!

Enjoy the ride!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Days of Gratitude... Day four!

Welcome to "Mellie's Days of Gratitude". The following days will hopefully help open your heart to the miracle of gratitude and the amazing changes that can happen when we become more grateful. Sharing this will also help me in many ways too. Life for me is about making a difference, helping someone and paying rent for my space while on this earth. Together we can support, love and honor each other while making small changes, bringing big results!
I hope you will join me!

Day FOUR: Today I just want us to remember to find gratitude in hidden little places. Not all days show us gratitude in an easy noticeable way. Some days, honestly, I don't feel grateful at all I can struggle just to get through my day with all it's challenges and emotions.

These days are the days when we all need to seek out gratitude the most, by looking around at the little things. When you have a day you don't feel like getting out of bed or those days when you wish we had never gotten out of bed... these are the days gratitude can become a very compelling tool that can make a great impact on our overall well being. It's such a cliche to say but start with the fact that you were ABLE to get out of bed. Find the silver lining in your hard day knowing you were allowed another day with your family and friends. Be thankful for your health, even if you deal with chronic pain or a disease....you're still here and fighting. If dealing with troubles in relationships, be thankful for new beginnings or try and focus on the good memories to allow yourself peace and grace towards the other person.

Gratitude does not have to appear on a billboard, it doesn't need to be a life changing moment... sometimes it can be quiet thought in our heads to help us remember to be grateful for SOMETHING and to continue to seek out even more little things throughout our day.

Today I am grateful that I woke up. I am grateful I was able to get my littles motivated and moving and off to school on time in a calm and loving way (we were REALLY late this morning) and I am grateful for the laughs in the car on the way to school. Most of all I am grateful for those little tax deductions because THEY are the reason I work so hard, I push myself and thrive to be better and ultimately they are the reward for MY life.

Find your gratitude today and feel free to share with anyone and everyone what it is..so that YOU too can help someone else find theirs!

Days of Gratitude... Day three!

Welcome to "Mellie's Days of Gratitude". The following days will hopefully help open your heart to the miracle of gratitude and the amazing changes that can happen when we become more grateful. Sharing this will also help me in many ways too. Life for me is about making a difference, helping someone and paying rent for my space while on this earth. Together we can support, love and honor each other while making small changes, bringing big results!

I hope you will join me!

Day THREE: Re-read your list (out loud) of your 10 things you are grateful for that was created on day 2. THEN Say, text, email or hand write a heartfelt THANK YOU to someone important in your life- regardless if they are a part of your past or current life!

Days of Gratitude... Day two!

Welcome to "Mellie's Days of Gratitude". The following days will hopefully help open your heart to the miracle of gratitude and the amazing changes that can happen when we become more grateful. Sharing this will also help me in many ways too. Life for me is about making a difference, helping someone and paying rent for my space while on this earth. Together we can support, love and honor each other while making small changes, bringing big results!
I hope you will join me!

Day two: Make a list of 10 things YOU are grateful for and HANG that list next to your computer, on your fridge, in your room, on a mirror or wherever you will see it almost everyday and where OTHERS may see it to!

Days of Gratitude... Day one!

Welcome to "Mellie's Days of Gratitude". The following days will hopefully help open your heart to the miracle of gratitude and the amazing changes that can happen when we become more grateful. Sharing this will also help me in many ways too. Life for me is about making a difference, helping someone and paying rent for my space while on this earth. Together we can support, love and honor each other while making small changes, bringing big results!
I hope you will join me!

Day one: Repeat one thing, ten times, that you're grateful for TODAY!

"I am grateful for open talks that bring peace to my heart."~ Mellie

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Whispers... Day 2

I am in a personal growth challenge with some friends of mine.  Here is the back story to that challenge and how it came to be.  The blog that follows my "Ah-ha" moment of the day.  I hope anyone reading this can not only follow along with my thoughts but also find in themselves if they are struggling in this area too.  Thanks for the read!

A few days ago my girlfriend shared how she was going to make an effort for the next 21 days to limit her negative self talk.  It became clear to me that not only did I need to support her in this decision I needed to participate and share with others too.  So I sent out a group text to several of my friends and family inviting them to join us as well.

The text read:

We are gong to take the next 21 days and limit our negative self talk, the ones in our head and the ones that come out of our mouths.  I am also going to be writing something each day in my journal/blog.  No matter how short or how long I want it to be.  I would encourage you to do the same with me!


"The first step in any type of self inquiry is recognition. We have to recognize that there are parts of us that need improvement. Despite the desire of many of of us to improve our lives, there is often resistance to the whole process. It's not easy to recognize our faults or weaknesses. Many people go through the greater part of their lives unaware that they may be doing things that are hurting themselves and others. Recognition of personal strengths or weakness is a giant step in the right direction. There is tremendous liberation in the simple realization of why things are the way they are. And some fortunate instances, recognition alone is enough to break through whatever blocks we may have. More often, though, recognition is the critical first step towards transformation. Also, our recognition doesn't have to be Limited to faults. It can be in earnest desire for overall improvement. It can be the recognition of a virtue or strength that we were not fully aware of." -Change your aura Change your life. 

What will be your recognition today? With improvements negative thinking does NOT have to follow. Recognizing our areas of improvement do not have to be deemed negative. We are able, if willing, to find our faults and rather than boast in the negativity of it all we can chose to shine in the understanding and awareness!

I found myself getting caught up in my whispers today. Not whispers of my own but whispers of others rattling in my mind. Threatening the core of my well being at every turn. It dragged me to a place of sadness, doubt and self pity. It made me asks myself questions of why others do things that in the end hurt me? Why do I allow certain toxic people in my life only to get burned by them or called out by them because they think I should live my life a certain way? Why do I allow the spew of someone who is jealous of me affect me in what they think of me? Why do I doubt my own value?

Then it occurred to me....

Real friendships and relationships allow a person be what he or she really is. Most people will love you for who you pretend to be. We sometimes think to keep or find their love, we have to keep pretending. 

We get locked in that image, and it's hard for people to see us any other way. We even get so used to that image we are portraying we grow attached to our own masks. 

We can be lost without out our chains and can forget all about who we really are.

But as I have learned to break free from my mask and chains I have not mastered breaking free from the chains others hold me to. They want me to stay the same so they can feel needed. So they can feel more power or so they can feel like they are better than me to make themselves feel better.

The only power they have is the power I allow them to. 

So I hushed my whispers by reminding myself that I am good enough
I am valuable 
I am enough 
I am worthy of good things and good people 
And those who try and hold me back or try and take what is mine have to be let go in all ways.

My life is about giving, helping and caring for others. But I have to love and care for myself above all.

- Ramblings of a hungry girl! 😃